Aug, 2014

Interview Question: Describe your career goals.

Describe your career goalsIf you’ve gone to a number of interviews, describing your career goals shouldn’t be a problem. But how do you know if you’re answering this question properly? It’s important to state your career goals clearly, without sounding too vague or disorganized.

Aug, 2014

How to Get a Job Even If You’re Not the Perfect Fit

Perfect Fit for the JobThough you may not have the exact qualifications for a job, it is still possible to get that job. It may sound a bit idealistic, but you still have a chance, especially if you focus on the right things during the interview.

Aug, 2014

Interview Question: How do you stay focused while doing a simple, repetitive task?

Doing Repetitive TasksNo matter how hideous or boring a task may be, you are still expected to get the job done. If you find the task too repetitive, all you have to do is focus in order to avoid making mistakes. If you feel like you’re dying to finish the task, you can condition your mind for the most simple and repetitive work.

Aug, 2014

Tried and True Networking Tactics You Need to Know

Networking Tactics If you think networking doesn’t work, think again. The larger your network of people in the same industry, the greater your chances of finding a job. Networking is essential in today’s job market.Job seekers should pay attention, especially when it comes to traditional, face-to-face networking.

Aug, 2014

7 Mistaken Beliefs about Your Job Search

Mistaken Beliefs about Your Job Search When looking for a job, it’s important to lean more toward optimism, rather than entertaining negative thoughts.At the same time, being overly confident makes you overly reliant on ego — which isn’t a good thing. Believe it or not, your thoughts can impact your chances of becoming employed. If negativity persists, you’ll see yourself back at square one.

Aug, 2014

Interview Questions: Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How did you handle it?

Giving FeedbacksIf you’re interviewing for a management-level job, expect this question to pop out at some point. Though it may be difficult to give negative feedback, your position requires that you give constructive criticism for the benefit of the company. It may not be the best task in the world, but someone has to do it.

Jul, 2014

How to Find Job Postings on LinkedIn

Job Postings on LinkedIn In your job search, there are ways to maximize social networking to your advantage. The key is to use it wisely for exposure and networking purposes.

Jul, 2014

Interview Question: What other companies are you interviewing with?

Companies Interview QuestionWhen asking this question, recruiters want to know how much time they have to recruit you before other companies can. At the same time, it’s a test question to find out how passionate you are about the role and industry you are applying for.

Jul, 2014

Avoiding On-Cam Errors During Video Interviews

Video InterviewsAccording to a 2012 Office Team Survey, more than half of recruiters are now conducting video interviews. Job seekers should exert extra effort to ace virtual interviews.