Sep, 2014

Interview Question: What would be your ideal working environment?

ideal working environmentMost of us are aware that people are happiest and most productive when they work in an environment they are comfortable in. Since companies have different styles and cultures, it’s vital to hire employees that will make the perfect fit.

Sep, 2014

Job Searching: How Not to Let Stress Get in the Way

Job Searching StressWe all know how stressful job searching can be. Frustration and anxiety can hijack the whole process.

According to Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon and biologist, people who don’t know how to fight worry can struggle with many aspects of life. In a job search, letting negative emotions rule you can break your career if stress isn’t dealt with.

Sep, 2014

How to Succeed at Competency-Based Interviews

Competency Based InterviewsOne thing I’ve noticed while working as a Recruiter and Interview Coach is that a lot of my candidates and clients struggle with answering competency or behavioral interview questions during job interviews. In fact, many times the main reason that the candidate got rejected after their interview is the fact they haven’t provided relevant and detailed enough examples.

Sep, 2014

Too Many Interviews, No Job Offers – Here’s What to Change

No Job Offers If you’ve been looking for a job for too long, then it’s probably time to evaluate your actions. Are you doing something wrong? Have you been performing poorly during interviews? Here’s what to do in order to bring you a step closer to employment.

Sep, 2014

Why Every Employer is Strength-Based Interviewing

Strength-Based InterviewingEach employer, when recruiting, has a list of criteria or competencies they desire from their future recruit. In the past employers would ask the interviewee around 10 competency based interview questions, designed to uncover “what you can do.”

Sep, 2014

Interview Question: If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or a detail-oriented person?

detail-oriented personEvery job seeker out there should know that this work-style question is one that every recruiter wants to ask to see if you fit the job. If you’re a detail-oriented person, are you willing to adjust to circumstances that will help you look at the big picture even more? How about the other way around?

Sep, 2014

A Quick Check-In on Your Progress

Hi. How are you doing? How have you been?

I wanted to spend a few minutes with you to think about what you have accomplished and what you haven’t. And, think about where to go next.

Sep, 2014

Applying for a Nonprofit Job: What You Need to Know

Applying for a Nonprofit JobOnce you’ve decided you want to work in a nonprofit organization, there are multiple factors you need to consider. If you’re out to improve the community or even the world, here’s what you need to know.

Sep, 2014

Are You the Cause of Your Own Job Unhappiness? 8 Things to do to Shift How You Feel

Job UnhappinessAs jobs go, there will always be things that won’t make you happy. The range of possibilities for things that can contribute might look like a bad boss, irritating work peers, flaky company or funky work tasks.

Sep, 2014

Interview Question: Have you ever been on a team and someone was not pulling his or her own weight? How did you handle it?

Team Environment InterviewHave you ever been on a team where the effort wasn’t equal? If so, you should be able to answer this question. If you haven’t run into this issue, here are some simple tips to consider: