4 Strategies for a Productive Job Search

Strategies for a Productive Job Search Scouring job boards for job postings is not enough to land a job. Finding a job requires a solid strategy and plan to be successful. Gaining employment requires going the extra mile to achieve success.

To save you from the frustration of rejection, here are four important strategies to consider when in a job search:

Focus. Job seekers should have a goal in mind when it comes to getting a job. Weigh these questions to help you narrow down your options:

What is the occupation you are looking for?

What skill or background do you have that matches the job description?

What companies are hiring for positions you are searching for?

How do you gain inside information? Do you know someone you can talk to from the inside?

Once you feel like you can answer these kinds of questions, expect your job search to be more fruitful. However, knowing the answer is not enough. You should be able to state your goals clearly in terms people can understand. It is important to get your point across (and know what kind of job you’re interested in).

Structure.It is vital to have a jobsearch routine in order to create productive results.Without a routine, you may find it difficult to manage a major project in the future. Prioritizing activities, creating a to-do list, time management, and scheduling follow-ups should help you achieve your daily goals (without letting it all suck the life out of you).

Discipline. Without discipline, focus and structure are of no use. You have to remind yourself that sticking with the plan is key in order to achieve a goal. If you think you have a lot on your plate, here are some tips to avoid being stressed or overwhelmed:

  • Don’t give up too soon. Stay encouraged.
  • Continue applying for jobs and following up until you get hired.
  • Make realistic goals and set a timeframe.
  • Be optimistic. Appreciate your skills and don’t obsess over what you are not good at doing.

Use your connections. It is indeed difficult to search for a job without advice from others on how to approach certain circumstances. You need some people to guide and motivate you, especially if you’ve been looking for a job for too long.

You can also enlist your past manager or mentor for objective feedback or join a networking group of job seekers to learn something from their experiences. For support, you can always turn to your family and friends. Their support can encourage you at times when your efforts aren’t producing results.(Keep in mind that the longer you search for a job, the more difficult it is to land a job.)

Consider the strategies listed above and you may soon find yourself sitting in an office with a job you’ve always dreamed of.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.