5 Things to Know About Job Searching as a Veteran

5 Things to Know About Job Searching as a Veteran When looking for your next job, tap into a variety of job-search resources.A big opportunity can come along at any time.

The economy has seen an improvement in stability among veteran job seekers and employers alike. If you’re a veteran finding it hard to find a job, here is some information that can help:

1. Employers value veterans’ skills. Don’t underestimate yourself because of your military experience over civilian work experience. You can transition successfully to a civilian world.Most employers value veterans’ skills when it comes to civilian careers. Having “soft” skills such as dedication, discipline, teamwork, leadership, attention to detail, remaining calm under stress, decision-making experience, respect for others, confidence, and communication skills all increase your chances of getting hired.

2. Education is a key factor. Veterans with a higher degree of education indicate that they’re more confident when it comes to looking for and securing a job.

3. Expanding job search methods. Make sure to tap into a variety of resources, including your personal networks, as well as online job boards, social networking sites, in-person job fairs and government military transition programs. You may find these helpfulif you don’t know where to start.

Another resource — You can also check in with your veteran friends who have successfully transitioned into the civilian world when it comes to their careers. Ask them for tips that can help.

4. Job performance optimism is high for men, and lower for women. According to surveys, around 70 percent of male veterans are extremely confident that they will do well in a non-military job. However, female veterans revealed a lack of confidence — Only 61 percent of women feel confident when it comes to doing well in a civilian job, but their experience and skills are no less important.

5. Translation of military skills to civilian hiring skills. Employers value veterans because of their unique skills. Combat operations in the military professional can, for instance,translate successfully to administrative support in the civilian professional realm, and dealing with customers.

6. Veterans are prepared for their transition out of the military. Though some may not feel completely confident, today there are more veterans who can transition to a civilian work environment successfully.

Many veterans face the same challenges as they move into the civilian work world. Don’t be afraid to use your military experience to your advantage and apply it to your future career. Your strengths and experience matter.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.