5 Low-Cost to No-Cost Job-Search Resources You May Not Have Thought Of

No-Cost Job-Search Resources Though job search help is available on the Web, some still find it difficult to determine the right job posting to respond to. Sometimes the available information is overwhelming, or the information posted isn’t really relevant to what you need. Remember that you can find other resources through articles, e-books, podcasts and more.

Whether you like to stay updated by listening or reading, you can use various sources to easily incorporate additional learning into your day. Make it a habit to listen to or read updates daily.

For Social Media Enthusiasts

Take advantage of the different social media platforms out there like Facebook Pages and Groups, LinkedIn Pulse news, Twitter chats and even Google + pages and communities.

Newsfeeds. If you want continuous updates daily, make use of your newsfeed. It will allow you to browse recently published articles from a single access point. Think of it as skimming your local newspaper and looking for an important headline.

Accessing only one resource is not enough if you want to get all the news you need. At the same time, some applications actually allow you to filter your news according to your preference.

Books and E-books. It doesn’t matter if you prefer reading the hardcopy or downloading the e-book—there are millions of job search books in your preferred format. Look for free or low-cost downloads that publishers offer and take advantage of them. Filter search results to focus on your desired career field.


Some people just don’t care to sit and read. If this is you, give audiobooks a try. (And don’t forget podcasts.)

More on Podcasts. Listening to podcasts is great, especially if you’re a hardcore multi-tasker. They’re more convenient, especially if you don’t have a lot of time to spare. Listening to updates daily can boost your confidence and increase your knowledge and keep you up on industry trends, which will eventually expose you to new skills that will help build your resume.

Active Learners

Some people prefer to actively participate in events that will help them seek out more engaging job search information. If you belong in this category, here are some things to try:

Webinars and online learning. Webinar hosts may write about upcoming job offerings. That is why it is important to join social media — news like this is usually offered across social networks. You can also sign up for newsletters.

Massive Online Open Courses. If you want to develop skills outside of your field of expertise, feel free to do so by searching for MOOCs on the Web. If you’re not familiar with MOOCs, they’re platforms for people to learn new skills online. There are many non-degree programs that are available for free.

Landing a job has become more complex than ever. That is why it is important to use a variety of resources to arm yourself with new tools and knowledge that will help you become a stronger candidate in your chosen field.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.