Jan, 2020

4 Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Resignation

4 Things to Keep in Mind When Considering ResignationLeaving your current employment seems to be a piece of cake. It may be true for one but it may not be the same for another. Regardless of what the case is, it wouldn’t hurt to think about the manner in which you leave and how you leave stuff behind.

Steer clear of these common mistakes and avoid landing flat on your back while trying to find your way to a new job!

Being too emotional
Before you scream “I quit to your boss, remind yourself that expressing your intention to resign doesn’t have to be dramatic. Pausing and taking a deep breath while making your decision is more calculated than throwing and breaking things on your way out. Allow yourself time to let emotions settle down. This will help you think with a clear head and articulately plan how to leave the company in a professional manner. Also, just think about how a video of you being too melodramatic upon leaving your job would be too embarrassing when it surfaces online. It’s not going to be worth it.

Failing to give notice
Two or three weeks prior to your final goodbye, hand in your formal resignation letter, which of course states your intention to leave the company and your last working date. Two or three weeks should be enough to wrap up some unfinished responsibilities. Be kind enough to extend help in training your replacement, making the transition process as uncomplicated as possible. This will show a lot of professionalism and generosity on your part and it will snag your employer’s appreciation and gratitude.

Forgetting to appreciate what you’re leaving behind
Leaving a workplace is more than just hugs, handshakes and goodbyes. Never miss the chance to reminisce about the good times, hardships, the triumphs and lessons learned. Take time to do this with all your colleagues. Personalize your sentiments to each individual and be sure to convey the message either verbally, a written letter or a simple text. Don’t forget to end it with a big “thank you!”

Burning bridges
Never make your departure as the ultimate opportunity to lash out to your horrible boss or put down the company by saying you never liked it there. Your next employer is mostly going to ask your former employer for a job reference. You don’t want your former boss to give you a thumbs down while reciting your famous last words before you theatrically walked out the door.

So, when the day comes when you think it’s time to take off and embark on a new employment, always remember to stay professional. Keep close to your heart all the experiences that made you grow in that company. Take the happy memories with you as well as the lessons learned.


Read 1088 times Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2020 23:54
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.