What You Need to Know About Job Rejections

What You Need to Know About Job RejectionsHere’s what to do next after learning you didn’t make the cut.

Receiving job rejections isn’t the most fun thing in the world. Sometimes the rejection can be surprising if the interview seemed to go well.

Here’s what you need to know about job rejections (broken down by type):

Form Letters

Form letters can make it easier for employers to communicate the same information to a number of people, while saving time. Most job rejections are communicated using form letters. Don’t expect a personalized one—They’re rarely sent.

Rejection After Praising Your Qualifications

Some companies don’t want to be harsh when rejecting applicants. That is why you may find some rejection letters that praise your qualifications before delivering the news. Some form letters can be vague in order to spare applicants’ feelings.

No Phone Call Rejections

Many companies don’t want to deal with the possible drama of rejections via phone. Some applicants may find it hard to keep their composure upon finding out that they didn’t get the job, which can be difficult for both parties. Because of this, many companies send a form letter or a short rejection email.

Rejected but Asked to Apply for Other Openings

If you receive a rejection like this, it doesn’t hurt to check their other available openings that might just be the perfect fit for your skills. You can always take their word and try again if your first attempt wasn’t successful.

Keeping Your Resume on File

It’s better to look for other job opportunities even if the company states that they’ll keep your resume on file. Some may keep you in mind and contact you once an opening is available, but don’t count on it. Move on and start looking for other positions in other companies.

Asking to Reconsider

Applicants sometimes send these letters or emails. Doing so is a mistake. Most people don’t know the exact reason why they aren’t given a job offer. You may be a perfect fit for the company from your perspective, but you have to respect their decision not to hire you, whatever the reason. Don’t lose hope. Keep working and moving forward until the right company sees your skills and experience.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.