Resume Writing Tips for Fresh Grads

Resume Writing Tips for Fresh GradsTwo messages for fresh grads: Congratulations, and good luck! Since you now have the right to be called a graduate, your next challenge is to get a job. And, to have a job, you need to get an interview.

Of course, you know that to start the process, you need to have a perfectly written resume. There are special considerations for a new grad’s resume, since you probably have little or no job experience. This means that you’ll need to try a little harder to create an exceptional resume.

So, here are some important details to remember when putting together your resume:

1. Professional Summary

A summary section at the top of your resume is needed and should provide a brief overview of your skills and achievements. Moreover, it should clarify what job you’re looking for.

Since you’re a fresh grad, it will be helpful to indicate the type of role you want to apply for, especially when your desired job is not evident from your major and/or previous undergrad work experience. You can combine your objective with a small description of the value you can contribute to the company or the role you’re looking for.

Lastly, if you want to grab your reader’s attention, be specific; avoid generic terms such as “self-starter.” Remember, this is your introduction – your first opportunity to make a strong impression.

2. Education

More often than not, new grads sell themselves through their educational attainments. Thus, it makes sense to infuse your document with educational achievements and awards (if you have any).

List and/or describe the courses you’ve completed to give your reader a greater sense of your educational attainment. If your general weighted average is high, write it as well; this will add more value to this section of the resume. You can also enumerate the different school activities and organizations in which you participated, but make sure that they’re relevant to the career you’re seeking.

3. Job History

This section will be advantageous to those recent grads who were able to work while they were studying. Internships are also acceptable for inclusion in this section. This part of the resume will show your potential interviewer that you’re capable of multitasking and carrying a heavy workload.

Some other things you can include in this section are your major school projects and significant extracurricular roles. Examples might include a study-abroad experience, a group project, or leading a major fundraising initiative for a club.

Remember that the experiences don’t have to be paid services. As long as you were able to apply the skills that you learned, the hiring manager will be interested in learning about how you used your skills and how they will contribute to the company.

4. Achievements

This part should include accomplishments such as graduating honors, awards, and scholarships. You may choose to omit this section when you grow older, but at this point in time, it will probably be a worthwhile addition to your resume. Keep it concise and easy to read, but don’t be afraid to list your most impressive achievements.

5. Other Sections

  • Highlights of Additional Coursework

Here you can describe certain in-class projects that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

  • Skills

You can mention your special skills here, particularly the ones that pertain to the job. Examples could include computer skills and foreign language skills.

  • Interests

If there’s still space and you want to fill it in, you can list some hobbies and interests of yours. Still, it’s best to only mention the ones that relate to the career you’re pursuing.

You made it through college and you’re now ready for the world. You were prepared by internship programs and patient professors. It’s now time to show them what you’ve learned and land a good job. Take the next step and get yourself noticed by hiring managers with these simple guidelines for the perfect resume.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.