LinkedIn Profiles vs. Resumes: Similarities and Differences

LinkedIn Profiles vs. ResumesA question that might have been bothering you for a long time now is: “Should my LinkedIn profile be the same as my resume?” You might be wondering what the difference is between the two and if they both need to have the same content or not.

Well, the answer to this is both yes and no. To further discuss the reasons why, here is a breakdown of the similarities and differences between the two:

How are they alike?

  • Sections
    • A quick start to your LinkedIn profile is copying some information included in your resume like your education, experience, skills, organizations, etc. These sections are also present in your LinkedIn profile, so you’d might as well use what’s already written on your resume.
  • Keywords and Phrases
    • It’s very important to include keywords and phrases in your resume to match the job descriptions and mirror your field of expertise. Hiring managers and recruiters have this special tracking system that filters resumes and matches keywords and phrases to what they are seeking.

Similarly, LinkedIn searchers look for people via keywords and phrases. If your profile has keywords that are indicative of your field or industry, connections and opportunities will find their way to you and your profile.

How are they different?

  • Length
    • Unlike resumes, LinkedIn profiles can help you elaborate more on your skills and abilities. While a resume needs to be short and concise, LinkedIn profiles provide a bigger space in which to write about yourself and your experience.

However, you need to remember that people still prefer short chunks of text, easy-to-read lists, and an organized flow of information. Even if you are allowed to write loads of things in your profile, strive to be concise. Emphasize the important points and eliminate those that are not.

  • Level of Specificity
    • Your LinkedIn profile is not an application for a specific job; it is an embodiment of who you are as a professional and a career-oriented individual. Hence, you can write anything you want without any pressure as long as it’s about your field of work and expertise.
  • Character References
    • Resumes do not require you to write the names of people who the company can contact to ask about you. On LinkedIn, however, you’ll want to get recommendations and endorsements of your skills and expertise, as these can be essential in attracting job opportunities.

Resumes and LinkedIn profiles are both summaries of your professional image. However, LinkedIn will give you more of a chance to engage with other people. Your profile is your platform to start communicating with them – anytime, anyplace, all over the world.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.