How to Avoid Being the Office Doormat

How to Avoid Being the Office DoormatIt’s okay to say no sometimes.

Do you willingly agree to every assignment that’s given to you, even if it’s out of your job scope? You might feel as if you’re doing the right thing at the time. But if people are asking more of you, more and more frequently, it can start to affect your well-being.

To avoid losing control of your work-life balance, here are some tips to help:

Focus on your workload. Instead of taking on other people’s jobs, focus on what you’re really assigned to. Don’t be afraid to say no. Changes can happen in the workplace that may require team members to occasionally take on more. But if additional work becomes an expectation over a longer term, and you know you’re being singled out, don’t be afraid to speak up.

Focusing on your priorities will help you be more successful in the future. Taking on too much can compromise your work quality.

Ask for help. It’s okay to ask for help from others when it’s really needed. If you’ve been constantly giving to your colleagues, chances are that you’re not confident enough to ask for a helping hand yourself.

Learn to say no. This is an essential skill in every working environment. Know how to set boundaries upfront for more positive experiences at work. Don’t assume that rejecting help will create a negative impression. Sometimes, it’s about prioritizing what’s more important (like family and loved ones)and balancing your workload.

If you genuinely want to help and it’s legitimately necessary, it’s okay to take on small tasks that take a short amount of time, without interrupting your daily work goals.

Create a to-do list. Lists can keep all your daily goals in check. If you can clearly see how much you have to do, it will be easier for you to say no to requests from your colleagues. A to-do list helps you find more free time because you can work through projects systematically.

Finish work on time. You’ll actually gain more respect as an employee if you are able to wrap up your work within the day, instead of always working overtime. (If that’s not the case, take some time to contemplate your work future.)

Evaluate how you spend your day in the office and determine what’s stopping you from finishing your work on time. (Is it something as simple as gossip? If so, walk away.)

As long as you recognize your self-worth, you won’t become the office doormat. Be someone who deserves respect and can use time and energy wisely at work. Don’t let other people take advantage of your kindness and put your professional reputation at risk.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.