Interview Questions: Explaining the Importance of Communication Skills in Financial Analysis

Financial AnalysisIn today’s economy, where every business is striving for success and competition is at its fiercest, financial or credit analysts play an integral role and are in high demand. A financial analyst’s job is to research and study a client or an organization’s financial status. This includes their history, risk tolerance, and current expenditures and investments. Moreover, they are expected to make recommendations based on the client’s financial goals and business environments.

Since financial analysts are asked to make recommendations, interviewers look for applicants who have strong interpersonal and communication skills. They want someone who can communicate well with business representatives about credit information and meet with clients in person to answer queries, solve problems, and respond to complaints.

When you’re applying for a position as a credit analyst, the interviewer will most likely ask questions about accounting and banking. However, he or she may also try to assess your interpersonal skills by asking this question: How important are interpersonal skills in the success of a credit analyst?

To help you answer this question, here are some guidelines that you can use:

1. Tell what you know about the importance of communication.

Financial analysts should be skilled in communicating with other people, especially clients and business representatives. You’ll want to express to the interviewer that you understand the importance of communication skills in this position. After all, you want clients to be engaged and convinced so they’ll give their trust to the credit analyst and the company.

2. Speak clearly and properly.

If you don’t speak clearly and properly while answering, how can the interviewer trust your words? Moreover, how will he or she be convinced that you can speak in front of business clients? You should demonstrate how a credit analyst can be successful through the use of interpersonal skills by showing using those skills yourself to ace the interview.

3. Explain your answer well.

This comes from practice and preparation. If you’ve worked out your answer ahead of time, you should have no problem explaining your answer well. Also, keep it straight and simple in order to avoid any mistakes. Don’t make it too long; distill your answer down to the essentials.

4. Be confident and comfortable.

Showing that you are comfortable and confident enough to answer the question will show that you will have no problem speaking to clients. Once again, much of this confidence will come from being fully prepared. Your demeanor should be self-assured so that you can gain the interviewer’s trust and attention.

Financial or credit analysts have an important job, and some people might not realize that communication is part of that job. Show the interviewer that you have what it takes to be a great financial analyst – communicate your answer well and win that job.

Read 10531 times Last modified on Friday, 04 March 2016 06:46
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.