Interview Question: Talk about Your Classroom Management Strategies

Teacher Interview QuestionStudents have different kinds of attitudes and behavior. Some may be seeking attention, while others don’t want any attention at all. Some engage in task avoidance and defiance, while others are eager to be the best student. How do you deal with this as an educator?


The hiring manager of the school you’re applying for might be interested in the strategies and techniques you use to maintain an effective classroom environment. Why is this so?

  • They want to know how you can handle a classroom where students exhibit different behaviors;
  • They want to know what your classroom management strategies are; and,
  • They are eager to know how you are going to respond to this question.

Now, how do you answer the interviewer if he or she asks about this?

  1. Prepare beforehand for this question. List all of your classroom management strategies and techniques so that you’ll be able to answer this question straight to the point.
  2. Explain briefly, but do not forget the important details. Don’t make your explanation too long. You don’t want to bore your interviewer by talking at length about things he or she might already know. Say something new, something that he or she doesn’t know.
  3. Be honest and don’t just say something to make yourself look extraordinary. Make sure that what you say to him or her is real—no lies, just real talk.
  4. Cite examples of your past experiences. This is actually the best way to give a brief explanation of your teaching strategies. This will give your interviewer a picture of what you’re capable of doing.

What are examples of classroom techniques and strategies?

  • Try to understand.

Get to know your students as individuals. Talk to them as much as you can. Build a strong and open relationship with them. Try to understand every student’s situation and attitude. Be compassionate through verbal and nonverbal communication. Gain their trust.

  • Patience is a virtue.

Being an educator requires a lot of patience. Do not take unlikeable behavior personally. Be positive when you’re talking to them. Don’t let your patience meter run out. Be considerate and talk to them in a positive way. As a teacher, you are expected to be their second parent when they are in school, so learn how to extend your patience.

  • Set limits and boundaries.

You are still the one in charge of the classroom, so don’t let your students make you their puppet. They should adjust to your rules and regulations just like you adjust to their attitudes and behaviors. Make your rules positive, simple, and clear.

  • Be consistent with your schedule.

As a teacher, you should be your students’ role model. Follow your own rules so that they will see you doing what you actually asked them to do. Don’t come late to class unless there is really an emergency going on. Be organized and focused. This will make your students respect and follow you and the schedule you have given them.

  • Be aware.

Do not ignore the possible causes of misbehavior. Being mindful of the early warning signs of a poor attitude can help to prevent misbehavior. You should be a keen observer when it comes to your students’ manners and conduct. If you see a student who is a potential troublemaker, start doing whatever you can do to prevent future misbehavior.

  • Walk around.

Inattentive and noisy students are distracting to others. Walk around the classroom while you are giving the lesson. This is an effective way to prevent noise inside the classroom during class discussions. Most students will stop engaging in distracting behavior once you get near them.

  • Eye contact.

This is an important thing to have between teachers and students. Eye contact gives you the assurance that the other person is sincere in what he or she is trying to say. Use this with your students to gain their attention and trust.

  • Learn to appreciate.

Nothing beats a teacher who knows how to appreciate his or her students. When your students learn that you value them and appreciate them for who they are, they feel special. Learning to appreciate is like learning how to love your students.

Classroom management strategies and techniques should be consistent. We have given you some ways to answer your interviewer when asked about classroom management. Once your interviewer sees what you can offer to the school and to your students, not hiring you will be understood as a huge mistake.

Read 41223 times Last modified on Monday, 07 March 2016 20:36
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.