Describing your Teaching Style and Adjusting to Different Learning Styles

Interview AnswersBeing an educator is not as easy as some people might think. Being a teacher means that you have to keep an eye on everything you say and do. The way you act will not only determine the way other people will look at you, but will also affect your students’ behavior. In some respects, the teaching profession is actually one of the toughest ones.


Teachers have their own teaching styles, just like students have their own learning styles. A learning style is the way information is understood and internalized, whereas teaching style refers to the strategies and methods teachers use in classroom settings.

A common question that is asked to applicants (teachers) is: “Describe your teaching style and how you accommodate the different learning styles of students in your classes.” Why is this question asked?

  • Interviewers are interested in your teaching style/s;
  • Interviewers want to know how you are going to communicate with your students; and
  • Interviewers want to assess your attitude and behavior in the classroom.

How do you answer this question?

1. Prepare your answer before the interview. Ask yourself, “What is my teaching style?”Chances are, it will fall into one or more of these categories:

  • Facilitator
  • Formal Authority
  • Demonstrator or personal model
  • Delegator

Once you’ve figured out what your teaching style is, craft a short explanation to answer this question and practice it.

2. In your explanation, expound on how you do it. Cite examples of how you implement your teaching style, or state some of the rules and policies that you value the most. Make sure to build a good reputation. Your description can help your interviewer assess your personality as a teacher. It can help him or her predict your attitude in the classroom.

3. In talking about how you accommodate the different learning styles of the students in your classes, tell the interviewer that you can adjust to their style of learning and that you will be willing to work it out with them if your styles do not match. You won’t let your students fail just because they can’t adapt to your teaching style. You value their education more than you value your personal preferences.

4. Tell the interviewer that you will maintain open communication between yourself and the students. You won’t be closed-minded regarding their opinions, and you will always find time to listen to whatever they have to say.

The teaching profession requires a great deal of patience and understanding. Likewise, an interview requires patience for every question. Keep your answers direct, and demonstrate the passion which brought you to this profession in the first place.

Read 37450 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 October 2013 09:46
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.