An interview can definitely be nerve-wracking. Expect your interviewer to ask several questions that may put you in a difficult spot, especially if you didn’t prepare enough. Though the types of questions are beyond your control, you can still win the interviewer’s attention with these tips and tricks:
1. Be friendly. Before showing up for the interview, make sure to do your research about the company. Find the company on LinkedIn and other social media platforms to read updated news about them.
It also helps to have an idea of what your interviewer is like. Look him or her up online and find interests that you both have in common. This is a great icebreaker to help you loosen up your nerves before the actual interview starts. Talking about similar interests you both enjoy is better than awkwardly talking about the weather or the office.
2. Figure out how you fit. Does your skill set fit with what the job posting requires? Know how to fit and shine in the position you are applying for by researching past and current employees. Ask people in the company questions to get to know the organization better. This will help you find the niche that will suit you.
It is important to get to know the company inside and out before getting yourself involved internally. You don’t want to be wasting your time working for a company that won’t value your skills as much as you expect.
3. Bring visual proof. If you want to highlight your skills and achievements, you might want to use visuals to keep the interviewer interested. You can show your success in industry-neutral terms, instead of using specific jargon that may be difficult to understand.
If you’re in the design field, you might want to bring your portfolio as your visual aid. This way, your recruiter will have an idea of what you’re like as an employee if you do get the chance to work for them.
You can hand in an infographic resume or create a presentation of your career highlights.If you do this, don’t forget to give the interviewer printed copies of your slides for reference.
4. Share your plan. Have a plan in mind and present it during your final interview. List your goals in a 30-60-90 day plan to let the interviewer know what your goals are. A month should be long enough to get to know the company’s systems, procedures and culture. For the next 30 days, you should be using your skills and talent to fulfill the job requirements for the role. In the 90-day outlook, you should be helping to meet the company’s goals.
Getting hired requires more than just sending out resumes. Go the extra mile and exert a little more effort to increase your chances of earning the job you’ve always wanted.