Feb, 2020

How Therapy can Help your Career and Work Life

How Therapy can Help your Career and WorklifeTwo of the constant things in this world are stress and problems. And because these things aren’t just something you can snap out of whenever you wish to, we often look for our own go-to mechanism to alleviate the stress and tackle our problems.

One of the known methods for creating a healthier relationship with stress is through therapy. Therapy is working with a trained professional to help an individual manage their own emotions and better understand themselves, their thoughts, feelings and relationship to stress. Because there is also such a thing called workplace stress, therapy can also come in handy if you’re working in a stressful environment. Read on and learn how therapy can help you perform better and thrive in your workplace.



Therapy can help you navigate both your personal and professional relationships
Building relationships is crucial an individual’s personal and professional life. At work, you need to learn how to effectively get along and collaborate with your boss and colleagues to achieve a common goal. To make it happen, it’s important that you understand the role you play in the team, the position that you think is satisfying for you and the one that will stress you out, your strengths and weaknesses, and so on. Understanding these things is crucial in helping you deal with the events in your work environment. It will also help you choose the kind of workplace that you will find more fulfilling.

Therapy can help you pinpoint underlying reasons for your workplace stress
One of the common reasons why people leave a company is because they feel like their workplace is toxic. However, the underlying reason isn’t always the company, it isn’t always their boss, it isn’t always their colleagues. There are many times when we complain about our workplace when in reality, the problem is just us. If the issue isn’t really the tons of workload your boss is throwing at you or your colleague who is fond of creating conflict in the issue, then maybe it’s you who needs a change in your perspective. And that’s something that therapy can help you resolve.

Therapy can help you set boundaries
Because therapy can help you understand yourself better, including your needs and wants, you’ll also be able to set healthy boundaries for yourself by seeking the help of a trained professional. By setting boundaries means that you’ll finally learn how to say no which is extremely empowering. You’ll be able to identify and stick to the things that you know are helpful for you.

For example, when you realize that you actually need occasional breaks to keep yourself from getting burnt out at work, you’ll put in more efforts to give yourself the breaks and vacation you deserve. At the end of the day, you’ll learn how to say yes to the things that will help you be at your best and no to the ones that won’t.

Work, no matter which kind, always comes with stress, even if it’s your dream career or dream job. Don’t compromise your career ambitions, especially your mental and emotional wellbeing. Consider taking advantage of a therapy session because it might just be the one thing you need to be at your best both in your personal and professional life.


Read 1283 times Last modified on Sunday, 08 March 2020 08:46
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.