Mar, 2020

Find Working from Home Boring? Here are 4 Ways to Make it More Fun!

Find Working from Home BoringHaving the kind of job where you get to go to an office, interact with colleagues and bosses, and establish meaningful friendships is all nice and fun. But when something like the Coronavirus outbreak happens, you might suddenly find yourself having to adjust to a new work environment in a yet, very familiar place - your home.


Indeed, this time of pandemic compelled companies to let their workers tackle their workload in the comfort of their homes, of course, for everybody’s health and safety. While working remotely offers several benefits and perks, this kind of setup could also be kind of boring. So what do you do about it? How do you combat boredom when working from home? Here are some helpful tips to make it more fun!

Recreate an office environment
To keep boredom at bay and reduce the likelihood of feeling lazy, it’s a good idea to try recreating an environment that resembles being in an office. This means that if you can easily tap on a colleague to ask questions or say something when in an office, you should be able to do the same even when you’re working from home. There are plenty of apps that you can leverage, such as Slack. Maximize these tools to make communication easier especially when you need something urgent addressed.

Create a workspace that makes you want to work
Isn’t it boring to be sitting in a spot and working while facing the plain, boring walls of your workspace? And who says you have to endure this?

One of the best things about working remotely is the flexibility not only with the schedule but with all the other stuff such as your workstation or location. So instead of enduring the long hours of working in a boring spot, why don’t you try to create a workspace that actually makes you want to work? Decorate your workspace with things that make you happy such as happy photos, motivational quotes, or a tiny desk plant. Channel your creativity and create a workspace that will make you look forward to working.

Listen to music while working
If you’re someone who prefers working with some soft sounds than deafening silence, then you might want to play some music in the background while working. It doesn’t have to be loud and extremely upbeat music but something that could uplift your mood and inspire you to work. Some instrumental music with no lyrics is even recommended so that you don’t get too distracted.

Take breaks in between
While focusing on your work and productivity is ideal, it doesn’t mean that you should be too workaholic. You need to take sanity breaks, too. Otherwise, you’ll end up getting burned out. Set specific hours for working and specific time for when you should take a break. When your shift is over, just call it a day and spend the rest of your day for personal stuff.

One of the best things about working from home is that it doesn’t really have to feel like working. Follow these tips to make your work from home experience more comfortable and enjoyable than ever!

Read 1481 times Last modified on Tuesday, 07 April 2020 01:37
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.