Mar, 2020

4 Tips for Success When You’re Starting with a Remote Job

4 Tips for Success When Youre Starting with a Remote JobWhether or not it’s your first employment, starting a new job could give you all sorts of mixed emotions. The excitement, nervousness and feeling of uncertainty in starting in a new workplace, having a new boss and new colleagues - all of it are part of the first day jitters.


But how about when you’re starting with a remote job? How do you go about reaching out to your boss or colleagues on your first day while trying to be familiar with your new job? How do you build professional relationships or prove your productivity?

Remote work has been gaining more popularity over the years because of the many perks it offers for both the employers and employees. So if your about to start your remote job, be sure to bear these success tips in mind.

Be ready for a different type of onboarding
Depending on the policies of your new company, the onboarding process may differ from what you’ve gotten used to in traditional office setups. Know what to expect and be familiar with the process by reaching out to your company’s HR officer. Don’t hesitate to ask about how the onboarding logistics of the onboarding is handled so you can prepare ahead of time.

Take time to understand expectations
Whether it’s a remote job or a regular office role, it’s always important for every employee to have a clear understanding of the things expected from them. And because you’re working from home and won’t be in the same office or building with your boss and the rest of your colleagues, make sure you fully understand your role and the tasks you are expected to accomplish. Also, be mindful of the deadlines and other specifics of your responsibilities.

This will help ensure you’re on the same page with your manager and that you’ll be able to meet or even exceed their expectations.

Adopt the new process of communication
If the company you’re working for has been around for quite some time, you have to find out the existing process of communication and adapt to it. Find out which tools or platforms are used for sending private or group messages. Learn the communication flow they follow for urgent needs or quick questions. If there are video conferences conducted every now and then, also make sure you have the tools needed to be able to join.

Introduce yourself
Because people won’t easily remember you or be familiar with your role in the company, it’s important that you do your part of introducing yourself. They need to learn who you are and what you do. It’s not going to be an easy process because you’re working remotely. So even if the company’s HR has already sent a sort of a welcome or introduction email, you might need to go out of your way to reach out to them personally and be more active in participating in video conferences.

Starting on a remote job when you’ve always been used to the normal office setup may entail a lot of adjustments. But you can use these tips to make the transition as smooth and easy as possible.



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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.