Why Your Dream Job Isn’t as Far from Reality as You Think

Why Your Dream Job Isnt as Far from Reality as You ThinkHaven’t landed your dream job yet? Stop blaming others.

When you get turned down for a job, it’s easy to point fingers at external factors, including the interviewer, time of day, location and mood. Often, however, the element at fault is the person being interviewed.

Here are some reasons why you aren’t getting the job you want:

1. You didn’t prepare enough.

Never go into an interview without preparing enough. Many people assume all recruiters ask the same questions. That’s simply not true. Do as much research as possible, and make sure you’re comfortable with any potential questions. Make sure your responses provide clear pictures of your experience, your personality, and what you can offer. To give yourself a real chance at the job, it’s your responsibility to impress the recruiter.

2. You focus too much on yourself.

Job seekers often focus on themselves during the interview without realizing it. You want to make sure you’re focused on the interviewer. Observe, listen, and respond. Make your interview a conversation, and you’re much more likely to come across as engaged and likeable.

3. You weren’t excited enough.

How was your mood the last time you were called in for an interview? Most interviewers often feel bored if applicants lack energy.

Display positive energy the moment you walk in. Don’t forget to smile and think positively as you meet the interviewer. If physical energy is an issue, make sure you get to sleep early, eat a healthy breakfast and go through any review needed to help you feel more optimistic about the interview.

If you struggle to stay “on,” practice awareness. If you’ve fully prepared and you want the job, enthusiasm should be easy. If it isn’t, take some time to reflect on future steps in your job search.

4. You forgot to bring up the past.

Your interviewer is interested in how you’ve performed as an employee in the previous companies you’ve worked for. You can and should talk about your experiences in the past if they’re related to the current job opportunity. If your past experiences were less than spectacular, make sure you word your responses carefully. Don’t put down a previous employer or coworkers.

Do mention your mentors or colleagues who’ve made you into who you are today. Acknowledging them can make a strong impact on the interviewer.

5. You forgot to bring yourself.

When preparing your answers, it’s easy to get caught up in what the interviewer wants to hear. When this happens, you might end up losing yourself in terms of how you draft your answers.

Don’t try to be someone you’re not to blend in. In an interview, blending in isn’t the goal. Instead, strive to illustrate your unique skills and characteristics to add value to your brand.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.