Why You Don’t Get Any Feedback About Your Resume

Interview FeedbackAre you wondering why your resume isn’t getting any feedback? How come you didn’t receive any response from the company you applied for? Is there something wrong with the way it was written, or was it just not good enough?


To understand why your resume isn’t getting any response, you have to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Are you really a qualified candidate for the job?
  • Do your skills and abilities match to the job you’re applying for?
  • Do you modify your resume each time you apply to a new job?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then what could be the problem? Let’s explore the other possible reasons you’re not getting any feedback.

  • Online Applications and Job Boards

Applying online nowadays is a popular method, especially for those who are unemployed. Unfortunately, the number of applicants increases every year due to the number of fresh graduates. The reality is that these numbers are working against you. For all you know, there might be legions of candidates out there competing for the same exact position as you.

The solution is to broaden your search. Don’t just apply online or through job boards. Use your social networking powers—Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, LinkedIn—and start asking people and selling yourself. Make connections.

  • Offline Applications

The computer is just one method of looking for jobs; it’s not the only way. You have to get out there and meet some people outside the cyber world. Log off of your computer and set up meetings with people. Call your friends, go to social events, meet with your colleagues, or have a chat with your neighbor.

Who knows? These individuals might help you find a job that’ll last a lifetime.

  • Something Different

Online and offline networking may be excellent ways to find a new job or referral, but why don’t you try something new and different? Look up companies you’re interested in and start calling them to inquire about how to apply. Send them your resume and cover letter. Let them know that you’re interested.

This might take a little extra time, but there’s a greater chance that you’ll receive feedback and have some great interviews—or better yet, get accepted.

Write an exceptional resume, apply for positions that suit you, and customize your resume for each application. Chances are, the problem isn’t your resume, but your job search technique. Try to steer away from your own built-in search traditions. These deviations might just be the key to your next big opportunity.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.