Must-Have Checklist for Every Job Hunter

Must-Have Checklist for Every Job HunterDo you wonder how to stand out among the rest of the candidates? Here are some tips to help you impress the recruiter:

Be prepared at every stage of the game. This should be obvious, especially if you want to present yourself as a good fit for the job you are applying for. Don’t assume that you can just wing it through the interview.

A good first step is writing an intelligent cover letter highlighting all the skills you have that will be valuable to the company. Research in advance the people you’ll be communicating with.

Be engaged. Though you don’t want to project desperation — or over enthusiasm — make sure you don’t appear too disinterested. Know your body language, sit up straight, keep your hands relaxed in your lap if you tend to talk with your hands a bit too much, and look directly at the person you are speaking with.

Be mindful of your tone and the expression of your voice to best communicate the passion you have for the industry.

Know your resume. If resume writing is not your forte, don’t be afraid to hire a well-qualified resume writer to help embed the right keywords in your document to get your resume through the applicant tracking system. (Just make sure that everything you include in your resume is true.)

Turn off your cell phone before entering the building. Behave professionally as soon as you enter the lobby. Don’t respond to any calls before, during or after the interview while you’re in the building.

Be professional. No matter how well you click with your potential colleagues and boss, you should know where to draw the line. Use appropriate vocabulary and never discuss a negative employment situation from your past.

Be succinct. Know when to answer and listen during the conversation. Learn how to plot out the key points of what you want to convey, and listen to what your interviewers have to say in return.

Do not be late. Leave several minutes early to adjust for any delays. If you’re new in the area, take a drive to the location a few days before so that you can comfortably arrive there on interview day, without being in a rush.

Dress professionally. Dress for success! Don’t walk in wearing clothes with any holes or stains. Make sure your clothes are pressed and appropriate for the work environment. Choose a skirt or slacks — no jeans. If you’re searching your closet, and you’re in doubt, choose neutral colors.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.