Landing a Job is Like Having a Baby?

Landing a Job is Like Having a BabyI can hardly believe it!            

In less than a week, my baby is scheduled to come into the world.
My wife Andrea and I are over the moon about it, of course.

However, as excited as we are, we’re actually hoping the baby will be born a week later.

Why in the world would we want that?

Because then Andrea's maternity leave would line up with the fourth of July, and we’ll be able to enjoy the holiday (and the summer) as a family.

It would be a lot less stressful for all three of us.

But we’re not holding our breath, because we realize the baby will come when it wants to come.

We realize that if we put any pressure on us to expect that the baby has to arrive on a specific date, then it’s only going to stress us (and the baby) out.

It’s unrealistic to expect nature to conform to our wishes in this situation, and it wouldn’t be healthy for anyone either.

So we’ll have to be patient – and accept that it will happen when it happens.

I’m sure what I'm about to say is no big surprise coming from me, but this type of patient waiting is also important when you're trying to land a new job.

How so?

Consider this:

Often when we want or need a job, we can sometimes put psychological pressure on ourselves to find the perfect job “before X.”

But, just like with waiting for a baby to arrive, the process takes as long as it takes, and there’s not much we can do about it.

Putting undue pressure on yourself to find a perfect job "before X" can put you in a position where you might be tempted to rush into a role you didn’t really want – one that doesn't come close to being your dream job.

That’s why I suggest going easy on yourself.
Be patient.

Take your time.

Be methodical and give yourself plenty of options.

Yes, keep putting in the consistent effort. That's an important part of success. Just remember, though, that doesn't always mean perfectly-timed results.

Because, often the process of getting back on our feet, or moving into a new and better job, happens on its own schedule – just like having a baby.

It takes as long as it takes.

With a little patience, the job you want will eventually arrive, and you’ll be ready when that time comes.

If you’re feeling pressured or impatient to find your dream job “before X” right now, it might help you to sign up for personalized Job Alerts.

It’s a free service that we provide exclusively to Daily Success Boost readers.

You tell the software what you’re looking for, and it automatically sends you job alerts from over 80 of the best job boards after sorting through over four million postings.

The amazing part is, over time it “learns” your preferences as you say “yes” and “no” to listings, and quickly starts sending you the personalized matches, based on the criteria you give.

This process can sure take a lot of the pressure off.

I can’t promise it will speed up the process, but it will give you plenty of personalized options that you might not find elsewhere, and it will give you a way to keep more “irons
in the fire” too.

Ultimately, having lots of personalized options will give you more of a feeling of abundance while you patiently search for the dream job you really want.

And that’s a much better position to be in than feeling pressured to accept something that’s not a great fit. Right?
This Personal Job Alerts service is complimentary.

If you’d like to start getting personalized job alerts, head over here to sign up: Personal Job Alert

Read 1362 times
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.