Know When to Call It Quits and When to Stay Put

When to Call It Quits and When to Stay Put Most employers today accept that candidates aren’t necessarily going to stay with a company long term. Is it time for you to job-hop?

Have you ever thought of leaving your current company and looking for new opportunities?

Things to consider before handing in your resignation:

It depends on where you are in your career path. Job-hopping seems to be a good idea for young careerists who are still trying to fit into their chosen field of expertise. No one can be an entry-level employee all of his or her life, but people at any point can still seek other positions that will challenge them in new ways.

(It’s important to note that job-hopping doesn’t mean going from one job to another in a span of three months. In this case, job-hopping applies when you’ve been with a company for at least a year.)

It depends on your industry. There are certain industries that expect higher employee turnover. Perhaps the field has a talent shortage, extreme demand or assertive recruiters. Employees in information technology, leisure and hospitality, transportation and retail industries tend to change jobs more often than others.

Know When to Job-Hop

Moving from one job to another is a big decision. It can even make or break your career. Here are a few circumstances that may help you decide:

You want to learn more. If you’ve done all you can in your current role, you’re probably ready to learn more and gain more experience. It is indeed a good decision to seek more challenges once you’ve exhausted the resources at your current company.

You want to move in a different direction. If you’ve found out that the career path you’ve had in mind isn’t ideal for you, feel free to make a move so you can better use your time in your chosen field and gain new experience.

You’re not getting paid enough. When you think (or know) you’re not being paid what you’re actually worth, consider it a green light to move on to a different company.

You’re not seeing a career path at all. Think of it as a go signal when you find that the company you’re working for can’t give you a clear path of what you need to do to gain more responsibilities.

Know When to Stay Put

It may be best to keep your current position if you’re at a point in your life when changing roles frequently doesn’t make sense. No one wants to have a long list of short-term jobs when one is ultimately happy with his or her current job and stability is a priority.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.