Keep This in Your Pocket Next Time You Need Some Confidence

Keep This in Your Pocket Next Time You Need Some ConfidenceImagine a lucky charm.

It was made especially for job interviews. It's small, round, red, and gold, and you can keep it in your pocket. It gives you instant confidence.

Even better, it makes you a more attractive candidate in the eyes of your interviewers and boosts your perceived value to their organization.

Perhaps -- if you're as cynical as I am -- you're expecting me to tell you that such a lucky charm doesn't exist, that you need to get real.

But this lucky charm does exist.

It's not red and gold, though. In fact, it's not even a physical object. Rather, it's a mindset. Other than that, everything else I said is true.

You can put this mindset in your pocket, right at the moment when you take a deep breath and reach forward to shake the interviewers' hands.

This mindset will give you instant confidence.

It will instantly make you more attractive as a candidate.

It will instantly raise your perceived value as a professional.

In short, it will make them want you more.

What is this mindset?

Independence from outcome.

It's not the same thing as resignation.

Here's the difference:

Resignation is a mindset candidates acquire when they've been passed over or rejected so many times, they've all but given up and stopped caring.

Independence from outcome is a mindset shift that happens naturally when you have an abundance of interview offers for solid jobs opportunities. You don't stop trying and you certainly don't become complacent. However, you stop worrying about "selling yourself" to interviewers. Your concern and mindset changes to finding a position that's right for you and your needs.

It's a subtle mindset shift, but it shows.

It shows in your body language and tone of voice.

It shows in the way you answer questions.

It shows in the questions you ask the interviewers.

It shows in the way you respond to their "tests" and challenges.

It's something interviewers feel, but can't quite put into words.

You can cultivate this mindset.

It won't happen overnight, but it's something you can acquire over time. When you have it, you'll notice a difference in the way interviewers treat you.

Like I said above, the key is to have an abundance of opportunities.

You can't fake it.

How can you create an abundance of job opportunities?

There are two ways: (1) find and apply for more job opportunities that are solid; and (2) improve your resume so that you land more interviews.

I'll share some specific tips on #1 another time.

Today, I have something that will help you make dramatic improvements to your resume and get more interview invites -- a free online clinic.

This free online clinic is run by Lisa Rangel.

She used to work as a recruiter, for several large international recruitment conglomerates. Now, she's the resume writer executives and top managers turn to when they need specialist help landing some of the most ruthlessly competitive roles in the world.

Lisa has a process she follows with all her clients to make their resumes head and shoulders above the competition for all the right reasons.

And do you know something?

It works even more powerfully for non-executive roles. Why? For two reasons: (1) recruiters' expectations are lower, and (2) your competition, i.e. the dozens of other people applying for the same roles, don't have even the faintest idea about any of the techniques and strategies Lisa teaches.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.