I Hope You Get Rejected

I hope you get rejectedA mistake I see with a lot of folks who read these Daily Success Boost emails and reply to me with their stories is that they treat rejection like it's "failure".
It's not.
Let me tell you what failure is:

It's when you walk into a job interview with a new company and you feel it in your bones that it isn't the right environment for you, but you sell yourself out anyway and tell the interviewer what they want to hear, even though it's not what you believe. When you land the job, it's for the wrong reasons, and you spend the next five years of your life living a lie and pretending to be someone you're not, while working a job you hate.
That's failure.
Now, when you send your resume out to a hiring manager or HR department, although you can learn a lot through good ol' fashioned research, you don't really know what the organization is like until you go in for an interview.
It's inevitable that you're going to come across a few managers and teams who aren't a good fit for who you are and where you're going.
For this reason, I hope you get "rejected" from time to time.
Because it means you're refusing to settle for a job that's going to suck the soul out of you and leave you dry. It means you have integrity.
There are plenty of great job opportunities out there, with meaningful work, and with wonderful companies and organizations.
If you're not seeing them, it's because you don't know where to look.
That's okay though, because it's the reason why I created Dream Job Formula. This is the "sister" program to Interview Success Formula, and it empowers you to tap into what I call the "hidden job market" and put yourself in the running (as a serious contender) for dozens of jobs most folks don't even know are open.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.