How Customer Service Skills Can Help Your Career

How Customer Service Skills Can Help Your Career Customer service skills go far beyond retail.

No matter what industry you’re in, customer service skills are a must. It’s true—In all businesses, you think about how to serve your clients the best you can, make sure all their needs and concerns are properly addressed, and consider how your client’s perception affects your business.


When interacting with a client, it’s important to keep in mind that your communication can make or break deals. (And make sure every interaction is professional.)

You know to start a genuine conversation as soon as a potential client shows interest. A missed opportunity to successfully engage can mean a lost sale. And you make sure to check emails, voicemails and other messages as often as possible.

Deal with Complaints Right Away

If you’ve been in customer service long-term, then you know that the best thing to do in response to an unhappy customer is to acknowledge the issue and find a solution quickly. Review processes whenever necessary to ensure someone else won’t experience the same issue. Resolve issues in a way that addresses customers’ concerns, while staying in line with company policy.Where applicable, you can offer discounts, an upgrade or a freebie.Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Listening is so important. Listen, and do what you can to appease the customer even in those situationswhere what they are asking for isn’t feasible. Let your efforts speak volumes.

People who work in customer service learn to be patient. As long as the person in front of you is being reasonable, courtesy is the main focus. Customers are people, too—and they’re your business allies.

People who work in customer service learn something new every day. Every customer experience is a chance to make improvements and raise the quality of business services.

Keep Your Promises

A major tenet of stellar customer service is that once you make a promise to a client or customer, make sure to keep it. Don’t promise them anything that you can’t deliver. If a customer receives bad service, they’ll remember—and they likely won’t come back. If you provide excellent customer service by listening and showing you care, that translates to repeat business.

A happy client is the best advertising. And what business doesn’t want happy, long-term customers?

If you have exceptional customer service skills, you can reel in new customers andkeep them coming back. That’s something every business wants.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.