Identifying Mistakes in Your Job Search

The hardest thing about looking for a job is that there isn’t a set of defined rules to get a job; there are only guidelines, which can only take you so far. What makes it even harder is the stress that comes with it from not getting any real feedback aside from a “Thank you for your time.”


With all of the frustration, you might be tempted to just tear up your resume and start all over again. However, this will not bring you any closer to getting a job. A quick audit will.

When you’re stressed out, mistakes are hard to notice. This is why it helps to verbalize what has happened the past few weeks during your job search to help you remember and realize what mistakes have you been committing.

Network – Where did you find the jobs you’re pursuing? Are these from online or offline events? Were you referred to any of them? If not, would an inside connection help you get the job? If you haven’t been taking advantage of your network lately, it might be time to start. You also need to remember that you should start giving help instead of just receiving it. People would be more willing to lend a hand to someone who has helped them in the past.

Resume and Cover letter – If you have no problems getting invited for interviews, you may want to skip this part altogether because you’re clearly doing something right. If not, then you really need to start spending time working on improving your resume and cover letter. Start going through them line by line and check for unnecessary information or missing information that can make them better.

Interview – A major clue that you’re doing something wrong in your interviews is that you were invited for multiple interviews but didn’t get a single offer. Take time to recall each one of those interviews to determine if there is any pattern that is recognizable that may be the reason why you’re not getting offers. Think like an employer to understand how you can make them see your true value and hire you.

Job choices – Ambition is good, but ambition without reason is foolish. You have to match your current skills and experiences to the job you’re pursuing. Aiming for something where you are underqualified or overqualified will make your search harder.

As you work on auditing your approach to searching for a job, keep an eye out for simple things that might have been holding you back. By identifying the things that have been keeping you from getting a job, you’ll bring yourself closer to getting hired.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.