4 Tips to Help you Find a Side Job

4 Tips to Help you Find a Side JobPeople look for side jobs for varied reasons. Some because they want something to keep them busy, some to pursue their passion, some to learn a new skill and some others to make ends meet. Regardless of the reason, having a side hustle offers a number of benefits and if you’re considering looking for one, here are some tips to help you look for a side job.


Determine what you’re passionate about
While some people associate side hustles with working at a cash register or cleaning up dishes at a diner, you should know that there are other jobs you can take to earn extra cash. In fact, you can earn more money on the side by pursuing your passion. Think about your interests and passion. What you love doing during your free time? Do you love music? Do you like photography? Are you into writing? Consider your talents and skills and think of ways to earn money from it.

Figure out a schedule you can commit into doing a side job
Some part-time jobs may require you to work on fixed hours while some others allow a flexible schedule. Depending on your availability and free time, be sure to find a side hustle that fits your schedule as well as your lifestyle. Determine how much time you can allot to your side gig. Do you have free time on the weekends? Or are your evenings during the weekdays free? It’s imperative that you determine these things because your commitment to work, whether it’s a full time or part-time job will determine your success at what you do.

Set goals
Before you start looking for a side hustle, one of the most important things you have to take into consideration is the reason for needing one. Do you need the income for a huge purchase like a new gadget or appliance? Or do you need extra money to make ends meet and cover your monthly expenses? Your financial goals will help determine the type of gig that’s right for you. Determine what you need the money for and then look for a side hustle that can help you achieve that goal fast.

Be open to possibilities
Just like in regular jobs or regular employment, things may not always be perfect. It may not be a walk in the park to land an ideal side hustle but don’t be afraid to do trial and error. Be open to possibilities. Don’t be afraid to leave a job that doesn’t make you happy or is taking too much of your time and energy. Don’t settle with something that stresses you out. You may need to try out a few jobs and that’s okay. Don’t stop until you land the one you would actually love and enjoy.


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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.