Jun, 2020

Pros and Cons of Doing a Side Hustle

Pros and Cons of Doing a Side HustleWhether it’s babysitting during the weekends, doubling as a photographer during special events or doing freelance jobs online - side hustles are increasingly becoming a more and more popular route for many people these days. But what is a side hustle, anyway?


A side hustle aka part time job, can be any job besides your full time career that helps you earn money on the side. It doesn’t have to be something related to your career or profession. It can be something you’re passionate about or any random job you choose to do during the weekends perhaps, to help generate extra cash to your income stream when needed.

If you think a side hustle sounds appealing but wondering if it’s worth it, here are the pros and cons you may want to weigh.


A side hustle can help boost your career
A side hustle may not be considered a formal career but it can give your full time career a good boost! The things you do outside your day job can open your eyes to new perspectives and fresh ideas which can actually be beneficial to your job. You might even be able to develop new skills you never thought could be useful in creating a competitive advantage to your current career.

It’s an excellent way to make a difference
Full time jobs are usually exhausting and you might feel like you don’t have time and energy to do anything else that can make a difference in the world. But guess what? This is where side hustles come in. By having a side hustle, you’re given the opportunity to help other people and make a difference in any way that you want. You have the liberty and freedom to choose what you want to do to earn extra and at the same time, provide the services that others might find useful.

It can help grow your network
Exploring a new side hustle is also an excellent way to meet new people outside your line of business. It offers brand new opportunities to grow your network and make new contacts which may be beneficial to your career in the future.


It reduces your downtime
Needless to say, having a side hustle besides your full time job can reduce your downtime. It means less time for the personal stuff especially if you will be dedicating your weekends for your side hustle. It may also mean less time to relax or pursue things not related to work or money-making.

It may be cause of distraction
A side hustle that is somewhat demanding when it comes to time and energy may distract you from your day job. It may risk your full time career, your primary source of income. Be sure to carefully weigh your options and think carefully before devoting your time and commitment to a side hustle before it takes a toll on your professional life.

Just like everything else in life, choosing to go for a part time job or a side hustle has its upsides and downsides. Find out if a side hustle is right for you by considering these pros and cons.



Read 1665 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 September 2020 23:37
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.