Apr, 2020

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Ways to Build It

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Ways to Build ItJust like intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence is also an important factor to an individual’s success. But what does emotional intelligence really mean?

Emotional intelligence or EQ is one’s ability to recognize and manage their own emotions. A person with high EQ is someone who can understand and better regulate even their negative feelings in positive ways. To be successful in a career or workplace, a high level of emotional intelligence would come in handy. When you have a high EQ, achieving your personal and professional goals are a lot easier. You can blend well with others and keep harmonious relationships with people both in your personal and professional life.


And if you play a leadership role in your company, you must understand that emotional intelligence is an integral component in how effective you will be as a leader. Read on and learn more about the importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and helpful ways to build it.

Ability to manage one’s self
Emotional intelligence allows you to regulate your own emotions in healthy and positive ways. It helps you manage your responses, too, so that negative emotions do not lead you to exhibiting negative behaviors. It allows you to easily adapt to changes in situations. By making conscious efforts to act thoughtfully when you’re stressed out instead of losing control of your feelings, you are building and engaging your EQ in productive ways.

Being mindful and aware of your own emotions
Before you can actually take control of your behaviors and thoughts, you must be able to identify and understand your emotions first. Self-awareness is an important indication of high emotional intelligence. Try to make it a habit to analyze why you act in certain ways, what causes certain behaviors or reactions. Ask yourself if there is anything that triggers these things. If they point back to negative emotions you’ve been feeling, try to strategize. Look for solutions on how you can better manage your emotions in ways where they will not result in unlikely behaviors.

Showing empathy for others
If you know understand the feelings and concerns of people other than yourself, it means you’re a person with a high EQ. Social awareness and empathy means thinking about the needs of the people around you, too.

And this is very important when you are a leader. When leading a team, no matter how big or small, it is crucial that you put your team members’ best interests at the top priority. Yes, you also have to think about the welfare and success of your company. But remember that the organization’s success is only the product of the team members’ performance.
So, never forget to alway look into the needs of your people. Don’t ignore emotional cues and address every concern with utmost value and importance.

Becoming an effective leader is no walk in the park, but developing your emotional intelligence is one powerful key to make it happen.




Read 1292 times Last modified on Saturday, 06 June 2020 23:47
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.