Oct, 2020

How to Recover from Burnout and Job-related Stress

How to Recover from Burnout and Job related StressStarting on a new career journey can be pretty exciting. You come to work each day filled with motivation, passion and excitement to do your best and be your best so you can make a difference and make an impact on your company. It’s like this for a while until work stress and burnout starts creeping in. Now you find yourself dreading Mondays and wishing it’s already the weekend. You procrastinate, feeling lazy unlike before. You feel a lot more exhausted and have been calling in sick more frequently than ever.


Yes, this is job burnout.

Job burnout is when a person feels physically and mentally exhausted due to a number of work-related factors. And if you find yourself caught in the same dilemma, the good news is there are ways to recuperate from job burnout. Here are some tips to help you recover.

Make nourishment a priority
When you’re experiencing burnout from work, you feel like you’re always drained and exhausted. You feel like you’ve got nothing else left to do but work. Not only will this leave you physically tired but it will make you emotionally and mentally exhausted, too. At this point, what you need is nourishment. You need to make time for the things that will nourish your body and soul.

Feeling like you’re always sleep-deprived? Now is the time to prioritize rest and good quality sleep. Make adjustments in your routine to allow more time for resting. If you haven’t been spending time with your friends and family, or even your hobbies, make it a point to have these things squeezed into your schedule.

Revisit your goals
One of the reasons behind burnout is that your job is no longer aligned with your values or is no longer helping you achieve your long-term goals. In this case, you may need to revisit your goals and assess whether or not you still find meaning in your work. As soon as you determine this part, deciding if you need to pursue growth in your current career or you need to switch careers will be easier.

Start thinking about your present life goals and weigh if they’re aligned with what you do currently. Do a self-analysis and tie your goals with your job to help you see a bigger and clearer picture.

Learn to say “no”
Another habit you may need to stop or control is saying yes to all commitments. While it helps to go beyond the extra mile to impress your boss or to take advantage of the opportunity for growth, saying “yes” to everything will eventually get you exhausted. Learn how to put limits and say “no” politely. It may be challenging to do it but you don’t have to spread yourself too thin as it may compromise not only your health but also the quality of your work.

Job burnout isn’t uncommon especially among employees who work extremely demanding roles. Don’t let work stress and burnout get the better of you and affect your wellbeing. Use these tips to recover from burnout and come back better and happier!

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.