Jan, 2020

5 Telltale Signs that you’re Experiencing Job Burnout

5 Telltale Signs that youre Experiencing Job BurnoutJob burnout isn’t uncommon or rare. In fact, it’s a reality that a significant number of employees experience in the workplace. Whether you’re an ordinary employee or you hold a position in the management, you are not spared from this condition. But what is job burnout anyway?


Job burnout is a work-related stress characterized by physical and emotional exhaustion. Not only does it impact an individual’s work productivity but if left unaddressed, it can also wreak havoc to your overall health. Because this is a condition that requires attention, it’s important to recognize the signs you should look out for.

Feeling tired all the time
One of the most obvious signs of job burnout is exhaustion. However, this is not limited to physical exhaustion alone. If you feel tired all the time and emotionally and mentally drained after coming home from work, chances are you are experiencing chronic work-related stress.

Lack of interest towards work
Are there times when you find yourself looking for reasons to get excited about work? Do you feel like you have lost all the motivation and excitement to do what you do everyday? If so, then this is another telltale sign of job burnout. You know it’s a red flag because the things that you used to be passionate about no longer thrill you. You don’t get the same level of satisfaction or fulfillment when you get them done.

Poor performance
If you’re losing enthusiasm about your work and don’t feel motivated like you used to, then a poor performance is to be expected. Employees who are experiencing job burnout usually just go to work for the sake of working and getting their paycheck. They just tackle their tasks to meet deadlines but they no longer care if they do things well or not. In short, the quality of their work is compromised.

Cognitive problems
Keeping yourself focused on something becomes a lot more difficult when you’re stressed or burnt out. These conditions affect a person’s ability to concentrate because you tend to narrow your focus on that negative element affecting you at the moment. Not only does it affect concentration but it also affects your problem-solving and decision-making skills. You might even have a harder time remembering things.

Physical ailments
The impact of job burnout may vary from one person to another but some people can be extremely burnt out to a point where they already experience its physical manifestation. Some of the physical symptoms of a job burnout include headaches, insomnia, chest pains, heart palpitations, dizziness, etc. There may be other underlying reasons or medical explanation why these symptoms are present, but if they come alongside emotional changes, chances are they are related to stress or burnout.

Identifying signs of job burnout is crucial because awareness is the first step to combating it. Be familiar with these burnout signs and take the necessary precautions before it takes a toll on your overall well-being.

Read 1409 times Last modified on Sunday, 02 February 2020 03:28
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.