Alan Carniol

Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.

Employee Qualities As you surely know, looking for a job is not an easy thing to do. You have to deal with other applicants who may have better qualifications and find a job that will suit your skills and abilities. While matching your skills and experience with the position description is helpful, there are other things you can do to get the position you’ve always wanted.

Writing HTMLBeing a web developer requires great talent and skill. However, did you know that most developers rely on external resources in order to get the job done? If you fall under this category, then you might want to take the time to relearn the basics. Knowing how to write HTML code by hand will give you an edge over your competitors. So, what can you do if an interviewer asks about your ability to code HTML by hand? Here are some tips on how to prepare an answer to this question during an interview.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014 22:04

5 Interviewing Tips After a Layoff

Interviewing Tips After a LayoffIf you recently got laid off, it’s normal to feel uneasy and lose some confidence when it’s time for another job interview. However, you can still be a valuable employee for a company or organization as long as you know your value and skills.

Physical Therapist Interview QuestionIf you’re a physical therapist and are currently looking for a job, you must be ready to answer this question of what you’ll be bringing to the company. Obviously, hiring managers would like to know how suited you are for the position available and if you’ll be an effective physical therapist. You can prepare to respond to this question by reading the tips below.

Resume Applicant Tracking SystemsThough submitting resumes online is relatively easy, do you ever wonder what happens to them once you click the submit button? Do companies really read all the resumes one by one until they have the perfect candidate for the job? Like it or not, this doesn’t happen in reality. Instead, typically resumes enter an applicant tracking system (ATS) database. This software is used to analyze and track large volumes of uploaded resumes – and reject most of them.

Career InterviewsIt’s natural for hiring managers to want to know if you are able to put what you’ve learned in school to good use once you’re employed. Even if you went to the best college, it won’t impress the interviewer if you can’t use your knowledge to benefit the company or organization.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014 21:40

Know How to Follow Up on a Job Interview

Follow Up on a Job Interview Though it is tiring to look for a job, waiting for companies to call can be the worst part. However, this situation can’t be helped, especially if there many candidates for the job you’re applying for. You can’t afford to lose your temper and ask them impolitely if you got the position or not. Keep in mind that hiring managers are extremely busy and can’t always get back to you in a short time frame.

Cashier Interview QuestionsFor cashier positions, preparing for interview questions is extremely important. One question you might be asked is: How comfortable are you checking IDs for a purchase of alcohol even if the customer looks to be in his mid-30s? You’ll need to think about how you would respond to this type of question. Let’s consider a few things so you can come up with a good answer.

Monday, 17 March 2014 21:11

How to Make Giving a Salary Range Easier

Giving a Salary Range Most job seekers get frustrated when it comes to specifying their desired salary range for the job they’re applying for. Some simply have no idea what a proper answer would be when asked about it during a job interview. It certainly would be nice if employers would name their salary range first, but it doesn’t typically work out that way.

Handling an Irate CustomerHandling irate customers is not a simple matter. No matter how frustrated or angry you are, you will need to show professionalism when dealing with these customers. For all you know, the customer may be having a bad day or a difficult time in his life. In any case, an interviewer will want to know how you will deal with irate customers. Answering this interview question requires confidence and preparation. Here are some tips to consider so you’ll be ready for this question: