Interview Question: What have you learned from your studies and extracurricular activities that can be applied to your career?

Career InterviewsIt’s natural for hiring managers to want to know if you are able to put what you’ve learned in school to good use once you’re employed. Even if you went to the best college, it won’t impress the interviewer if you can’t use your knowledge to benefit the company or organization.

 To get started, jot down some quick notes to help you answer this interview question. Use the following tips to guide you as you do this:

List all of the extracurricular activities you participated in while you were in school. It is normal to forget some things you were involved in when you were in school, but try to jog your memory and see if you can recall all of your extracurricular activities. List as many as you can remember, even if they aren’t directly related to the job you’re applying for. You can always scratch those activities off the list at a later time.

Sort out all of the activities and figure out how they are relevant to your career. Perhaps you did some volunteer work, or maybe you were active in a college organization. What was your experience, and what lessons did you learn? Hopefully these activities had a positive, memorable effect on you.

Don’t take your social skills for granted. Applicants should be able to tell hiring managers about their skills when it comes to socializing and networking. Being able to interact with people of different background and personality types is definitely an advantage. Think about times during your schooling when you were able to exercise this skill.

Remember your connections. While you were in school, you may have gotten to know people who are well connected with others in the same industry. This might be helpful to you and the company in some cases. Don’t be afraid to tell hiring managers how well connected you are. However, don’t sound boastful; keep in mind that you’re merely promoting your network because it might prove useful to the company you’re applying to.

Find your niche. Obviously, you must know which sectors will suit your experience and education best. Once you do, you’ll be better equipped to face the hiring manager and speak with authority. Be sure to connect your studies with your area of expertise: Which courses, assignments, and activities contributed to your knowledge and skills in this area?

In a job interview, it’s not all about the theories and principles you learned in college. Hiring managers want to know whether you have the practical knowledge to succeed in the workplace and get the job done while maintaining professional conduct. Let your education work in your favor and make it easy for the interviewer to choose you for the job.

Read 15956 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 March 2016 16:12
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.