Alan Carniol

Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.

Why did you leave your last jobThere are many reasons why you may have left your last job. Perhaps you had the worst boss in the world, you were laid off, or you simply did not like how your co-workers treated you. Whatever the reason may be, the key to answering this question is a positive attitude.

Thursday, 05 July 2012 23:55

Importance of a Good Handshake

In a job interview, we waInterview Handshakent to make sure that everything is perfect. We dress for success, arrive early, and go over our prepared interview answers. However, all of this can fall apart if you don’t give the right handshake with the interviewer.

There is a lot of debate as to how long we have before a first impression is formed, but what is certain is that our time is short. In a matter of seconds, the interviewer will form his or her impression of you, and this sets the tone for the rest of the interview.

Most applicants come to Having an Employers Mindsetan interview with the wrong mindset. Often, this is why they don’t get hired even when they have the necessary skills and experience. The problem is that they have the applicant’s mindset.

When you come to an interview you should be there with an employer’s mindset. Why? Because this will help you understand what goes through their mind when they interview an applicant. Using this knowledge, you can prepare for an interview with the right mindset.

resume mistakesA lot of times we want to know what to do to get a job. Right now, however, let’s talk about what we do to NOT get a job.

Most often, we  focus on the major points in preparing our resume; for this reason, we neglect the minor things that people do to get their resume sent straight to the shredder.

Teacher Job InterviewAfter waiting for what seems like forever, you finally get a call from the school administrator. Now what?

An interview is a lot like a test. If you prepare thoroughly for your interview, you won’t need to worry about passing the test.

During an inBiggest Weakness Answerterview, when you feel like you’ve done everything right to impress the interviewer and show that you’re the best candidate for the job, the last thing you want to hear the interviewer say is the dreaded, “What’s your biggest weakness?” The problem is, this question will almost always get asked, no matter how you might hate it.

There might not be a “perfect” answer that you can recite to get this right. Don’t fret—there are things you can do to answer interview questions properly.

Older applicants TipsMany people who are older than the average applicant fear interviews. However, seasoned applicants need not allow their age to become an issue. Older applicants should understand that they have something that average applicants don’t.

As an older applicant, you have experience. Prepare answers to interview question in which you can use this experience during an interview to prove that you will be the better employee.

Monday, 25 June 2012 02:54

Saying Thanks after Rejection

Job Interview RejectionYou submit your resume, get called for an interview, dress properly, arrive early, answer every question with ease, and basically breeze through the interview process seamlessly. Everything seems to be going right for you. You assume that the only thing left is the job offer, so you're already thinking of salary, benefits, and when you can start.

Suddenly, you get a call telling you that they decided to hire someone else, and then it all dawns on you. All of your expectations are now down the drain. Even though you knew that the job was yours, they went ahead and chose someone else. Now what? Send them a thank-you letter.


 You sent your resume to countless companies. After weeks of waiting, you finally get a call. Now, it’s up to you to dazzle the interviewer and get hired.

It’s no secret that preparation is crucial to acing an interview. Yet it’s funny how people neglect preparation and wonder why they don’t get hired.

Getting an interview is the easy part. Impressing and making an interviewer believe you’re the best person for the job is the hard part. But don’t fret—you can make the hard part easy. How? The answer is properly preparing for an interview.

Preparing for an interview takes time. You need to put in the time and effort to make sure everything goes  right for you on your big day.

drinking-beer-interviewWhen you think about how to deliver strong answers to questions in an interview, beer doesn’t usually come to mind (well, having one maybe, but...). So for a bit of respite from the standard sources of interview advice, I turned to one of my favorite sources for inspiration.

Here’s what I realized is true for both a job applicant walking into an interview and for a beer: