Tips & Tricks - How to Put It All Together for Your Resume

How to Put It All Together for Your Resume Your effort in preparing your resume will not go to waste. Every second you put into it will benefit you in some way.

It usually takes a considerable amount of time to create a good resume, and here are some tips to help:

Name and Contact Information

Place your contact information at the top of the resume with the email and phone number where you can be most easily reached. There is no need to attach a physical address. Include just one to two phone numbers where people can reach you.

If you have a website, include it in your resume only if it provides helpful information (such as your portfolio and other detailed information regarding your profession).

In your portfolio, provide samples that highlight the skills listed in your resume. Make it visually appealing and include relevant information.


The objective statement is seen by many as passé now. Employers may actually find it annoying — Objectives have become blanket expressions that all sound alike.

However, if you’re a fresh graduate, it can be acceptable to use an objective statement because you don’t have that much of a work history to place in your resume. You can include it s long as you make it unique and it shows how your skills can benefit the company.

Summary or Profile

Since a profile or summary is an overview of your history or expertise, make sure it contains relevant keywords to get the attention of the reader. And make sure it is concise.

You may want to complete the summary section of your resume after you have written other sections of your resume. Because it will be the section where you’ll highlight your capabilities, make sure to promote your personal branding the best way you can. Communicate what you have to offer as if the employer is missing out if they don’t hire you.

Writing a resume shouldn’t be difficult as long as you know the basic tips and tricks. Once you get the hang of it, you’d have no problems creating one that better increases your chances of getting hired.

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Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 40,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are just asking for the same key pieces of information. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.