How to Communicate Better at Work

Communicate Better at WorkIn order to achieve professional success, knowing how to interact with others in your workplace is a must.

No matter what kind of role you are fulfilling at work, it is important to have good communication skills. This includes knowing how and when to share information, proper body language, and the tone and quality of your voice.

Here are some tips you may want to consider to develop your communication skills:

Know the results. Before planning, evaluate what kind of outcome you want to achieve out of your communication. How do you want your audience to respond? Remember that you are trying to move others.

Establish your reputation. Do you think other people at work will hear what you say if you don’t have a good reputation to begin with? Even if other people’s perceptions are not based on a single encounter, always leave a good impression, no matter how difficult a situation you may be in. Doing this will build your reputation over time and will help people view you in a positive light.

Do not brag about your power and intellect. Even if you think you are always at you’re A-game, do not flaunt it at work. This will make it harder for you to speak to people because they won’t find you helpful or useful. Leave your ego at home and be on the same level with your listeners.

Do not use a condescending tone, and use simple terminology in a way that everyone will understand. Wait for the invitation to share your expertise in order not to be misunderstood.

Confidence is the key. If you want to gain recognition or support, you must always be confident in what you want to get across. Use strong action verbs, avoid filler words and look people in the eye with proper posture.

Be aware of others. You can’t push your good ideas down the throats of your listeners. Build a sincere relationship with them. This will help you convey your message effectively. Knowing how they feel and think is important, especially if your message needs to be heard.

Find the right timing. Always remember that there is a time and place for everything. Be aware of your surroundings, and the emotional state your colleagues are in. Be considerate, especially if you want them to be interested in what you have to say.

Listen. Even if you’re the speaker, you must also master the art of listening. The most successful communicators are those that can listen to others effectively. Do not interrupt if someone is speaking. Listening shows how much you respect your colleagues.

Earn respect and trust. Since your title and role won’t earn you respect by themselves, exert effort in order to be respected and trusted by your employer and fellow co-workers. Once you do, you are on your way to being trusted. Then, being heard will be easier than ever.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.