Helpful Tips for a Professional Email

Helpful Tips for a Professional Email Maintain good relationships at work by learning how to write effective emails.

Don’t allow your emails to become shorter and more informal because of the nature of today’s social media. Send emails with caution in a professional setting to leave a positive impression.

Since emails can be misinterpreted, it’s important to craft effective emails without hurting your reputation. Here are some tips to help:

1. Include a proper salutation.

Always use the recipient’s last name and salutation (as though you are writing a letter) as a sign of respect and professionalism. Switch only to a first-name basis after the person responds to your message (or indicates that a first-name basis is preferred).

2. Don’t be informal.

Emails are meant to contain more information than text messages.Make sure to write them out with more thought, and avoid writing in fragments. Check your grammar and spelling before sending emails to their recipients. People can be easily turned off by informal emails. It may look like you were rushing to write the message.

You don’t always have to write emails using your smartphone. If you think you need some time to compose a thoughtful response, feel free to wait until you’re sitting in front of your computer.

3. Don’t be overly demanding.

Convert potentially demanding messages into requests in order to get a better response. This will help you set a good image and help you advance your career.

4. Follow up nicely.

Again, if you need to confirm something with the recipient of the email, don’t make it sound like you’re in a rush to get something out of the recipient. Formulate your need into a polite and respectful statement. You can always alter your language to avoid miscommunication.

Proper composition and email etiquette should always be followed, no matter what technological changes may bring in terms of speed and convenience.

Your work emails carry a lot of weight. Don’t forget to proofread what you’ve written to maintain professional respect and a positive reputation.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.