Everything You Need to Know About Resigning

Everything You Need to Know About Resigning Follow these tips to make a graceful exit when quitting your job.

Are you ready to hand in your resignation letter? Be mindful that it can get surprisingly nerve-wracking. If you think it’s time to leave, here are some tips you may want to consider:

1. Do it in person. Don’t consider sending the resignation via email or leaving a letter on your manager’s desk. If possible, ask for a meeting and let your boss know what your decision is. If your manager is out of town, simply making a phone call should be fine.

2. Be prepared for your manager to ask why you’re quitting. Make sure to share the factors that led to your decision to resign, and make a graceful exit. If your manager fails to ask you directly, you can simply explain that you got an opportunity that’s too hard to pass up. You can use a safe, bland answer in order to preserve your relationship.

3. Resignation letters are documentation. Don’t resign by letter. These letters shouldn’t do the job for you if you’re too afraid to announce you want to quit. Remember that resignation letters are for documentation purposes. Keep the letter short and sweet, and don’t air grievances.

4. Give at least two weeks’ notice if possible. This is the right way to hand in your resignation. Letting them know in advance will lessen the risk of burning bridges and harming your reputation. In case you have to leave the job quickly, explain it carefully to your boss and be sincerely apologetic.

5. Know how your employer handles resignations. Some companies may ask you to leave the same day you quit, while others will let you work for a few weeks or so until they get a new replacement. You’ll want to know this ahead of time so you won’t be caught off guard when the time comes.

6. Know how to handle a counteroffer. If your boss likes you, you may get an offer that could potentially make you stay. Are you ready to handle that possibility? Can the offer make you reverse your decision? While it may be tempting, it’s best not to accept a counteroffer, especially if you are heading for a company where the boss wants you there based on your value.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.