Answering Interview Questions: What Do You Associate the Word “Passion” With?

Passion for WorkAccording to Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” People often say that the key to a successful career is to love what you’re doing, and we call this passion. It is one of the fundamental things that drive people to do what they do.


Usually, interviewers ask about these things (passion, long-term goals, and personal growth). Your interviewer will be interested in the things that drive you to work, but why would he or she ask this?

  • Commitment and dedication. The interviewer wants to know if you are truly committed and dedicated to your job. They would, of course, prefer someone who enjoys what he or she is doing rather than someone who simply works just because he or she needs to.
  • For the job or for the money? Money isn’t everything—we know that. Your interviewer wants to see if you are applying for the job because you really want to have it. Salary should bea lesser priority.
  • Deeper definition. The interviewer is interested in how you define things. They want to know whether you attach a deep meaning to “passion” or a shallow, surface-level one. This is also to analyze if your passion is connected to the job you’re applying for.

So, how will you answer the question, “What do you associate the word ‘passion’ with?” It would be best if you prepare an answer before your interview with the help of these tips:

1. List the things you enjoy doing.

This can totally help you in answering the question. List the words that make you happy. Write as many as you can. Ask yourself, “What makes me happy?” and write it down.

2. Choose which one makes you happy the most.

From the list of words you were able to write, rank them and figure out which one is on top. Choose that word and prepare an explanation of why you chose that word. Most likely, the interviewer will ask why you chose to associate passion with that word.

3. Know what you’re good at.

Aside from determining what you enjoy the most, be mindful of the things you’re good at. Where do you excel the most? Are you happy doing what it is you’re good at? The answer will probably be yes. After all, why would you enjoy doing something that you’re not really good at? Being good at what you’re doing goes hand in hand with being passionate about it.

4. Don’t be confused about passion versus admiration.

Some people tend to equate passion with admiration. Remember that admiring something doesn’t mean that you’ll be good at doing it. Even if you are the biggest fan of something, it is possible that you’re better at other things. Try not to get confused about this.

Passion is not to be found in the job itself; we find it within ourselves. Once you find it, it will be easier to answer the question. Plus, you are applying for the job because you know that you’ll be able to enjoy it. Everybody has their own passion—so, what’s yours?

Read 9107 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 March 2016 19:01
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.