4 Ways to Nail your Second Interview

4 Ways to Nail your Second InterviewYou passed your first job interview? Congratulations! Now you have the next one to worry about. The first interview may be nerve-wracking and you did all that you can to ace it but it doesn’t mean the second one would be any less challenging. This isn’t to scare you but it’s important to note that the second job interview is where the real vetting actually happens.

During the first interviews, hiring managers would usually look into whether candidates are fit for the role and the company culture. It is during the second interview jobseekers have to further emphasize their added value and prove the recruiter why they are needed by the organization.

Make the most of this given opportunity and nail your second interview with the help of these tips!

Do further research
You might have already done a bit of research before walking in for the first interview but it shouldn’t stop there. Remember that you have to make a good impression so you really have to come in prepared. Do further research about the company and be more familiar with their brand, culture, values, and visions. Also, try to find out more about the people who will be conducting your second interview. They are more likely to be impressed with candidates who know something about them and their roles in the organization.

Focus on what you can contribute
Second interviews are a perfect opportunity for candidates to further showcase and highlight their skills, knowledge and experience. Be sure to focus on these stuff and be very detailed when you talk about your accomplishments. Emphasize how your professional efforts can impact the organization and how you can help them realize the company’s goals.

Think about your strengths. Leverage it to demonstrate to the interviewers why you have an edge over the other candidates.

Prepare for the questions
A second interview is definitely going to be different from the first interview. Not only will you have to reveal your competencies but you also have to tackle how your values will fit into their culture. Questions you should expect during a second interview would usually involve behavioral and situational questions. This will help the hiring manager identify how you would react to real-world scenarios.

Think about real-life examples and experiences you had where you were faced with challenges and how you handled them well. Recall successful projects you managed in the past or the times when you turned a negative situation into a positive one. Be sure to take note of these things and write them down if necessary.

Be prepared with your own questions
It is during the second interviews when candidates are given the turn to ask questions. This presents an opportunity for you to get a deeper sense of the responsibilities and specific tasks involved in the job. This is where your research skills would again come in handy. Find out more about the position and refer to the original job posting. However, make sure to avoid discussing about salary and benefits just yet.

Read 1829 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 00:14
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.