Oct, 2019

5 Tips for Acing your Phone Interview

5 Tips for Acing your Phone InterviewPhone interviews are one of the methods companies use to screen applicants or candidates for employment. This is usually done to narrow down the pool of job seekers applying for a job post before they get invited in for a one-on-one interview. And because a phone interview is an integral part of the entire job search process, it’s something that you have to be well-prepared for. You have to make the most of every opportunity and ensure that the interview goes as smoothly as possible.

Learn how to ace your next phone interview by following these tips.

Understand the need for the interview
Nailing down your phone interview involves understanding the need for it. It’s important that you know what it is for and how important it is in your job search success. Acknowledge the fact that failing in the phone interview will hamper your chances of landing that particular job you’re applying for. And similar to the usual one-on-one interviews, phone interviews must be taken with enthusiasm and readiness.

There’s no such thing as over-preparedness and you can never go wrong with being well-prepared for a phone interview. In fact, your readiness can help boost your confidence so if you have already been informed of your schedule, be sure to take time to practice. Rehearse how you will answer possible questions. Ask a friend or family member to join you in mock interviews or record yourself with your mobile phone so you can listen to how you sound. You may create a cheat sheet but only indicate notes on bullet points because the interviewer may notice if you’re reading from a paper.

Find a quiet place
Remember that phone interviews still require a certain amount of professionalism not only with how you answer questions but with the entirety of the call. This means that when doing a phone interview, you have to make sure it’s done in a quiet place. Take the call in a room where there are no background noises and distractions.

Be mindful of your voice
One of the downsides of phone interviews is the fact that the interviewer doesn’t see your gestures and facial expressions. This is where your speech and voice come in. Be sure your voice is clear and you speak clearly. Don’t chew candies or gum while taking the call. Take deep breaths before answering and stand up to add strength to your voice.

Practice active listening
Eye contact isn’t possible with phone interviews so there is no way for the interviewer to see whether or not you are paying attention. Listen carefully and attentively and make tiny affirmative expressions to let them know you are intently listening on the other line. Avoid dead air as much as possible and make sure you’re not interrupting or talking over the interviewer.

Read 2160 times Last modified on Thursday, 21 November 2019 02:54
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.