In today’s tough job market, landing a job interview is difficult. Yet, job seekers constantly hurt their chances in getting hired by saying inappropriate things during the interview.
With the following suggestions, you can avoid not getting hired by learning what not to say or do in an interview.
Asking About the Salary
If you’re just in your first interview, hold back and don’t bring up your salary requirements unless the interviewer asks you about your salary requirements. Even then, you don’t talk about a specific amount; only give a range. As a general rule, do not talk about your salary requirements until the company gives you an offer or they bring the subject up.
Asking about Promotion
When you want to know about the career path in the company, never ask, “How long until I get a promotion?” You may come off as too aggressive or entitled, as opposed to being goal-oriented and ambitious. If you want to know more about career advancement, there are more discrete ways of asking about it.
Talking about Days Off
Everybody has obligations, but talking about them during the first interview will make you look presumptuous. Discuss taking time off when you get to the offer stage of the interview process.
Criticize Your Former Job
One of the worst things to do in an interview is talk badly about your previous employer, co-workers, or anything else about the job. Talking about how you hated your last job will raise a red flag with the interviewer.
Controversial Small Talk
You want to establish a connection with your interviewer. However, avoid topics that are inappropriate or controversial subjects in which opinions vary.
Not Asking Questions
After an interview, you may have already learned everything about the job and company, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have questions for the interviewer. An interviewer would feel a lack of interest if you don’t prepare questions. Do research on the company so that you can prepare questions.
Follow Up Too Soon
Following up after an interview is good practice, but following up too soon will make you look too aggressive or may indicate that you lack good judgment. This is why it is important to ask questions after the interview—so you will know how long before you need to follow up with the interviewer.
Sending Gifts
Perhaps you thought it would be nice to send flowers to your interviewer as a thank-you for taking the time to interview you, but think twice before sending any kind of gift to your interviewer, as this may be interpreted as bribery. It might do you more harm than good, and a thank-you note will often suffice.
Careless Language
You decided to “be yourself” during the interview. This could be a good thing, unless you start blabbering inappropriate words. Sure, you want to “be yourself” during the interview, but you also need to show your best side when you want to be considered for employment.
Not Doing Research on the Company
It is a general rule to do research on the company that is interviewing you. You want to know everything about their company when you come to an interview. Not doing so will show a lack of interest and hurt your chances of getting hired.
Adding the Interviewer on Facebook
You want to connect with an interviewer, but adding him or her on Facebook crosses the line between an employer and employee. It shows a lack of professionalism that doesn’t translate well if you want to be hired.
Desperation and Sympathy
A lot of people are unemployed and desperately need a job. However, showing—or worse, telling—how desperate you are to get the job will only ruin your chances of getting hired. No employer would hire someone that is not emotionally stable and could not handle the day-to-day stress.
In the interview process, preparation plays a big role in acing an interview. Knowing and avoiding what not to do or say in an interview will you help avoid making mistakes that can ruin your chances.