Common-Sense Tips Job Seekers Should Know

Common-sense Tips for Job SeekersAccording to Voltaire, “Common sense is not so common,” and more often than not, job seekers make mistakes for obvious reasons. Either they are too self-conscious and fail to notice the simple mistakes, or they simply don’t bother to check for errors that should be easy to detect.


To avoid committing common-sense mistakes, here’s a list of simple career tips that many job seekers overlook:

1. Career Services Office.

Usually, college career centers have very helpful resources which are commonly free of charge. These resources may include job databases, resume workshops, mock interview sessions, career counseling, salary negotiation guidance, etc. Both current students and alumni should take advantage of all that these career centers have to offer.

2. Search Criteria.

Searching for a job is like writing a research paper: you need to dig deeper and widen your network to gather more information. When you’re using search engines to look for job opportunities, don’t use the same search terms over and over again. Increase your chances of finding a job by using new keywords such as “communications” and “government” and by exploring greater distances from your desired location.

3. Private Facebook Profile.

Set your Facebook profile account to maximum privacy. Many recruiters regularly check out candidates on Facebook. Even if you believe that your profile is harmless, you still need to be guarded. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

4. Message Check.

In this generation where people are expected to be permanently connected to their technological devices, there’s no excuse for not returning a call or email within a few hours. Besides, you are in an active job hunt, so it’s your responsibility to check your messages frequently.

5. Time Check.

Two things: 1) Never arrive late to an interview; and, 2) Never arrive too early for an interview, either. Employers are equally peeved when you’re too early or too late. If you’ve arrived earlier than expected, you can wait in the company’s lobby or waiting room, but don’t enter the actual office when you arrive (if you’re more than 15 minutes early).

6.Wear a Smile.

Whether it’s a job fair, a networking event, or the interview itself, a smile can really make a difference. No matter how nervous and jittery you feel, always put on your best smile. It helps in convincing the employer that you’d be a good person to have around.

These are six of the most important common-sense tips that you need to be mindful of. Never let your guard down – follow these guidelines and make yourself a strong candidate.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.