In practically every job interview, you'll receive an interview question to determine your interest in the company. Hiring and training employees is very expensive for an organization. It can take at least a couple of months for even a veteran worker to get up to speed, and it can take another couple of months to find a replacement should this person leave.
Any company making a hiring decision wants to know that their new hire is sincerely interested in the job and motivated by more than a paycheck or a name on your resume. To respond with effective answers, you'll need to do some homework about the company. You will need to understand what this company is about - not just in terms of the products they produce, but in terms of the mission and culture of the organization.
Once you have this information in hand, you will need to identify and practice articulating what it is about the company that makes you excited to work there. To get you started, below you will find some of the relevant job interview questions and answers. Note that these answers should just be a springboard for you to craft your own responses. Some of the most asked interview questions include:
What interests you most about this job?
Why do you want to work here?
Why are you interested in working for our organization?
Warning: This question can be one where you hang yourself. You need to make sure you understand exactly what the job is. If this is at the end of the interview, you should be okay to identify some of the characteristics.
If you're not 100% confident about what the job looks like on a day-to-day basis, say, "Before I jump, I want to confirm that I have a clear understanding of the position. From what I understand so far, the job is like (insert details of the job here). Are there any critical details that I have missed?...I also understand the culture to be like (insert company details here). Are there other strong cultural characteristics that I didn't include?"
Then identify one or two characteristics of the job that you like, and tie your answer into your core values or motivations. "One piece of the job that I find really exciting is (insert job characteristic), as I am very much motivated by work that allows me to... Furthermore, working for an organization that (insert company characteristic) aligns will with my own aspirations to... (insert one of your top values)."
How is this job different from your current one?
This answer has two purposes: to test whether you were listening, and to assess whether you are likely to split for another job as soon as there is a larger paycheck available. So, sound excited while telling the interviewer what interested you most in what they said about the job. If you can't give a thorough answer based on what the interviewer has already told you, say, "Before I jump, I want to confirm that I have a clear understanding of the position. From what I understand so far, the job is like (insert details of the job here). Are there any critical details that I have missed?..." Then give a response based on what the interviewer has highlighted to you during the conversation.