What to Write on Your 30-60-90 Day Business Plan

30-60-90 Day Business PlanStarting a new job can bring you a variety of emotions: excitement, fear, enthusiasm, and anxiousness, to name a few. Even when you’re not yet a part of the company, you can still get these feelings. Moreover, when you’re unfamiliar with what you’re doing, there can be added stress and pressure.


To get over these feelings, you need to be organized and prepared. A simple plan of any sort can provide you a concrete vision of where you’re going, what you want to be, and what you have to accomplish. By planning out your goals using the 30-60-90 day business plan, you have already created your own vision and you’re sure to use your full potential as a new hire or even as a potential employee.

Since you’re expected to learn how to do your job successfully in a short period of time, make sure that the 30-60-90 day plan can get you there. Here’s a sample outline of what you have to incorporate in your own customized and organized plan:

1. Learning Stage (30)

As a newly hired or soon-to-be newly hired employee of the company, you have to be able to understand exactly what the company is trying to achieve through their strategic plan. It is important to take the time to study and learn about the company. How? 

  • discover the plans of the company for reaching their mission and living up to their vision;
  • understand what your employers expect from you;
  • start building professional relationships with your coworkers;
  • know your customers and clients: what they like, what they want, what makes them happy; and,
  • research the company’s culture

The 30-day stage should also include simple tasks and obligations such as:

  • having initial meetings with managers, teammates, and staff (for supervisory positions);
  • completion of required company training (laterally with your goal for test scores and ratings);
  • setting up communications (voice mails and emails); and,
  • learning the company protocol

2. Getting Deeper (60)

After taking time to assess the company, go deeper and emphasize your strengths. Focus more on field or independent time, less on training, and more on customer and vendor introductions as well as customer satisfaction. Specifically: 

  • build your own personal brand and image within the company by showcasing your talents and skills (where you excel the most);
  • brainstorm ways your own personal touch can contribute to the company’s growth;
  • start talking and contribute something to conversations;
  • be more versatile, useful, and flexible by taking on some tasks that are beyond your responsibilities; and,
  • continue to be mindful and attentive of what the boss expects from you

In this stage, make sure that you have met all established goals. Furthermore, continue to focus on:

  • learning about the company and its culture;
  • prioritizing your targets and contacting existing appropriate clients and vendors; and,
  • submitting required reports and discussing accomplishments with your supervisor

3. Transformation Stage (90)

You should already have a firm grasp on your job by this time. Your confidence should have already grown compared to the first day. Most importantly, your leadership skills should be ready to be implemented by now. At this point, consider the following: 

  • be proactive during company events;
  • participate in meetings;
  • be attentive to and aware of new projects, and come prepared with possible solutions;
  • address your mistakes;
  • broaden your horizons;
  • get more involved by joining a club, council, board, or committee; and,
  • notice your growth and reward yourself for your progress

As you move into this final phase, remember to review the first two stages and fulfill any goals you haven’t yet reached.

The 30-60-90 day plan can help you transition from a potential employee to a new hire and eventually an effective leader in the company. Organizing and prioritizing your tasks and obligations will surely help you make the most of the initial stages of your soon-to-be new job.

Read 35582 times Last modified on Monday, 07 March 2016 12:14
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.