What Hiring Managers Look for In a Resume

What Hiring Managers Look for In a Resume Learn what to include in your resume to increase your chances of getting hired.

Writing a resume can be a daunting task — especially if you want the hiring manager to notice you (and you only have seconds to make it happen).

To successfully write a standout resume, you need to know what the recruiter or hiring manager is looking for. Letting that person know what you can offer the company will help you craft a resume that markets your skills and experience.

Here are some of the elements hiring managers want to see in your resume:

1. Customized Resume. To truly stand out, you don’t want to send generic resumes in response to every job you see online. Doing so will only make you look like an amateur applicant. Tailor your resume and cover letter to what the job posting requires. This includes addressing specific points with the details of the job posting in mind, and demonstrating the ways you suit the role — quickly.

2. Relevant Keywords. Use the right keywords to get your resume pastscreening systems. Some hiring managers may not see your resume until it makes it through one or more screening stages, and it shows up in their files.

To determine what keywords to use, you may want to ask a friend working in the same field, or simply put your hypothetical recruiter’s hat on. You can also look up keywords for the position online to find out which are more effective. The right keywords are really important to help ensure your resume rises to the top of the pile.

3. Signs of Motivation. Be mindful of the language in your resume — It can give hints to the hiring manager about your intentions and motivation as to why you are applying for the job. Remember that recruiters generally prefer motivated applicants over those who are exceptionally good at what they do, but don’t show enough drive to keep growing in their careers.

4. Quick Professional Summary. Always remember that recruiters have less than a minute (or mere seconds) to take a quick glance at your resume. Be sure to place your professional summary or profile at the top of your resume to catch their attention at the outset. Make sure this section highlights your strengths and experiences. Use your resume as your opportunity to sell what you can offer, and illustrate why they should hire you over other candidates.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.