Translate Your Skills to Score a New Career

Translate Your Skills to Score a New CareerIt’s important to re-evaluate yourself from time to time, especially when it comes to job skills. You might be surprised how your talents can pave the way for new opportunities.

Have you ever thought about changing careers? If so, you’ve probably wondered how to create a smooth transition. Before making a move, it’s important to be honest with yourself and ask why you’re motivated toward a new career.

Start the process by getting out a piece of paper or your digital memo pad. Then, consider these tips to help you decide if you need to make the switch:

List a history of your job duties. Create a separate comprehensive list of your current and past job duties and responsibilities. What were your tasks on a daily basis? Have you done something at work that was outside of what you were actually hired for?

Record accomplishments. Next, beside your list of job duties, write down everything you have accomplished in the past. An accomplishment doesn’t have to be quantifiable. Perhaps you’ve helped a colleague with a particular task that garnered excellent results. Include both small and big achievements.

Consider skills. Once that’s done, list all the skills you’ve used in your job and personal achievements. Write them under “Current/Past Skills.”

Look for job descriptions. This is the time for you to populate your “Required Skills” column. You can search for different websites with job postings that you may be interested in. What skills are they looking for? What are their minimum qualifications?

Match your skills. Don’t be upset if you’ve only found a few matching skills. Consider it a good starting point that lets you see what you should highlight in your cover letter and resume. If you think your skills are lacking, you can always take on some academic or volunteer work that lets you grow and utilize some of those skills.

At a Dead End?

If you’re still unsure of the new career path you want to take, don’t be afraid to talk about it with friends and family. They may be able to enlighten you as to where you can best put your skills to use.

Make use of resources, learn as much as you can and incorporate the information in your online profiles and job application materials. If you make the effort, employers will notice your motivation.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.