Looking for a New Job? Here’s How to Keep Your Employer From Finding Out

How to Keep Your Employer From Finding Out Follow these tips and learn how to conduct an effective and discreet job search.

It’s always better to look for a new job while you’re employed.(One reason why — recruiters prefer employed candidates.)It can be stressful to keep your search hidden from your current boss, but there are a few ways to keep your efforts a secret.

Here are eight guidelines that can help:

Filter what you post on LinkedIn. Your manager may find out that you’re looking for a job if your profile indicates that you’re actively searching. Make sure your activity broadcasts are turned off. Keep in mind that many employers monitor Internet use. (Check your privacy settings.)

Update your LinkedIn profile from time to time to reduce the appearance of sudden changes when you start searching.

Never use social media to post something about your search. Don’t tweet or blog about your search. Make your profile private, or keep everything to yourself until your job search is over.

Schedule interviews early in the morning or late in the day. Never make the mistake of going out of the office for midday appointments. Be sure to schedule interviews during the least disruptive times of the day to keep your manager from looking over your shoulder when you get back.

Never use the company computer or office resources for any part of your job search. Browsing job postings on your work computer during lunch is a no-no. Wait until you return home to do research or respond to emails. Or use your own device during scheduled breaks.

Avoid conducting phone interviews at work. Make sure to conduct phone interviews outside of your workplace. Phone interviews are never appropriate during business hours.

Avoid posting your resume on online job boards. Again, remember that your boss can track your activity.(Besides, online job boards aren’t the most effective way to look for a job.)

Dress properly. If you are always seen dressed in semi-casual attire, don’t suddenly show up at the office in a suit and tie. This may give people hints that you’re planning an interview. If you’re hoping to leave the company, dress up occasionally so that your colleagues are accustomed to it. If that isn’t a possibility, bring a change of clothes with you.

Make sure that the interviewer knows to keep your search discreet. Explain that your search isn’t public and should be kept confidential (especially if the interviewer knows your current employer).

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.