How Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Should Differ

How Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Should DifferDo you know the difference between a resume and your LinkedIn profile? If not, learn how to tweak both to get the attention of potential recruiters.


A resume is where you indicate your basic data and other information that is pertinent to the job. Restrict it to 1-2 pages to give the recruiter an easy read. You should highlight your greatest accomplishments and skills to show what you can do for the company.

Your resume should only contain information that is relevant to the job. Ditch other details that won’t be of use for the current position you are applying for. Quality is more important than quantity.


People are using this platform to find opportunities. However, many don’t know that it’s actually best not to use the option where LinkedIn will create a resume for you using the details you’ve entered in your profile. Your resume and profile should be separate and should serve different functions.

Recruiters are more likely to check your LinkedIn profile to review your experience and skills. Since the platform allows you to expand on your resume, use it to share more details about your past experiences.

Here are some questions you may want to ask to determine if you’re using both mediums appropriately:

Is my basic information the same? Check your data. Is the contact information correct? Are the details spelled right? How about the employment dates? Mismatched information can signal that you’re hiding something or not paying close attention to detail.

Do I have a photo or logo image? Make sure you have a photo in your LinkedIn profile. No photo or using a photo other than a headshot or logo can suggest that your profile is incomplete — or worse — not legitimate. When deciding on a profile picture, choose a professional photo that is appropriate for the image you seek to represent.

Do I have a summary? This is your chance to write a personal bio and promote your personal brand. Describe yourself in any way you see fit. This is the perfect place for you to highlight your relevant skills and experience that will be of use to the company or companies you’re interested in.

These are just some things to keep in mind when creating a resume and a LinkedIn profile. Use both to your advantage and increase your chances of finding the job you’ve always wanted.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.