How Well Can You Do a Job You’re Underqualified For?

How Well Can You Do a Job Youre Underqualified ForHave you been feeling hesitant to apply for a certain job because of a lack of experience? Perhaps you’ve been eyeing a position even if you think it is out of your league.

If you think you have a chance, there’s no reason not to try.

Here are some factors you may need to consider when applying for a job you think you may be underqualified for:

1. How much do you want the job?

Simply wanting a glamorous title or setting foot in the door at a company should not be your driving force when applying for a job. A job has actual responsibilities. Can you do the job well? Are you capable of delivering positive results? How ready are you to make a difficult decision while on the job and talk to different clients and executives? You must take these factors into consideration before sending in your resume.

2. Can you make a compelling case for your ability to learn?

If you think you are ready to take on the job, feel free to apply and prove how you can compensate for your lack of skills and experience. Have justifiable evidence that you can learn on the job quickly. You can use your references to back you up.

Don’t forget to highlight your skills as well — there are recruiters out there who want young, fresh go-getter applicants.

3. Can you prove yourself most of the time?

Given that you lack some of the skills needed in the job, you must know how to prove yourself consistently. You may receive a lot of negativity from your colleagues at first, so you’ll need to be able to overcome naysayers. Don’t doubt your competence and focus on the job itself. Focus on what you can do to improve your performance instead of sulking because of the negativity around you.

Lack of skills shouldn’t stop you from applying for a job you’ve always wanted. As long as you have the passion to learn new things and improve on a daily basis, you’ll do just fine.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.